Mealthy Multipot vs Instant Pot Comparison

Pressure Cookers Comparison: Mealthy Multipot vs. Instant Pot
Pressure Cookers Comparison: Mealthy Multipot vs. Instant Pot

Mealthy Multipot vs Instant Pot

For a very long time, people wanted to see if there’s actually a difference between the Mealthy Multipot vs Instant Pot. And it’s easy to see why. The products themselves are rather similar, and when you have something like that there will always be a bit of rivalry. Instant Pot managed to make a name for itself, but other than that, Mealthy Multipot vs Instant Pot is pretty much a neck to neck competition. We do need to see which one is better and what you can expect.


When you see the interface, you will see that it’s pretty much identical. Mealthy Multipot has a poultry button, but the Instant Pot doesn’t have that, instead, it has a sanitize button. When it comes to the steam button, it’s a very similar thing and that’s one of the most important aspects to consider in a situation like this.

You have 9-in-1 appliances for both units, so you can warm your food, make cakes and yogurt, make eggs, use it as a steamer, create your own saute, rice cooker, and slow cooker or as a pressure cooker. A thing to consider here is that Instant Pot has an interface made out of soft brushed stainless steel and a great, rather large blue LCD that’s easy to read. The interface is high tech yet still great to read. However, while the Mealthy Multipot has raised buttons, the Instant Pot has them almost integrated into the console.

Safety ratings

Instant Pot units are all UL or ULC certified. That means an Underwriters Laboratory representative has tested product samples to ensure that they maintain the type of value that customers would want all the time. Mealthy Multipot is ETL listed, so it has the Extract Transform Load rating also from UL. Another thing to keep in mind is that both units have 10 safety mechanisms, which is a very important thing to consider when you buy a new pressure cooker.

Size and presets

The size for the Mealthy Multipot and Instant Pot is 6 qt only. So yes, these are pretty much similar. You can use them to feed a family of up to 6 people, which is a very good idea. You will find them to be very similar in size and build, although the finish is a bit better in the case of the Instant Pot unit. When it comes to presets, that’s where the Instant Pot shines. It gives you 13 presets whereas the Mealthy Multipot only has 9. Granted, you might not be using all of those presets, to begin with, so you really need to check this out. Still, it’s something that you need to see before you buy it.

Wireless connectivity

Mealthy Multipot doesn’t have any wireless connectivity, some Instant Pot models will, however, give you that. And a lot of people want this type of feature because it’s different, amazing and it brings in front of some extraordinary results. That doesn’t mean it will be simple to do, but the results can be staggering and that’s the most important aspect in the end.


When you want to choose between the Mealthy Multipot vs Instant Pot units, the most important aspect will obviously become performance. Some people care about performance quite a bit, others less so. But what you will notice is that the units are very similar in regards to cooking speed and reliability. The Instant Pot is a bit better in regards to the overall build.

However, when it comes to cooking you do have the cooking progress indicator on the Mealthy Multipot that’s not always going to be on the Instant Pot units. Other than that, you have pretty much a very good, cohesive cooking experience on both sides. We never had any of the food half-cooked or anything like that. And while the recipes from both sides tend to differ, you just have a lot of variety for pretty much the same unit.

The programmable features went very well and overall we found that they really bring in front a tremendous, high-quality experience that you can always rely on. It conveys a sense of value and professionalism and it will work the way you expect no matter the situation.


Both units get a trivet with handles, rice cup and paddle, soup spoon and a stainless steel cooking pot, of course. Mealthy Multipot does offer a silicone gasket that will come in handy. Instant Pot, on the other hand, gives you an Alexa-guided cooking skill support. They also a have website full of recipes and videos, so if you don’t know what to cook, they might be able to help you get past that.


In the Mealthy Multipot vs Instant Pot comparison, you will notice that prices are pretty much equal. The Mealthy Multipot and Instant Pot Duo are bought around $100, however, an Instant Pot Duo Plus is $130 or so.

Which is better?

Choosing between the Mealthy Multipot vs Instant Pot models can be a very challenging thing. Instant Pot is the more established out of the two, it tends to have a much better finish and they also include better technology too. But Mealthy Multipot is also pretty good. It wins when it comes to delivering more and quite better accessories, not to mention some of the pressure cooking functions are actually very dynamic and just a pleasure to adapt to your needs too. It’s definitely the type of product that you will want to use.

At the end of the day, it’s all about picking what you need the most. If you want the better technology and you trust the established name more, you can safely use the Instant Pot. Of course, if that doesn’t matter and you want more accessories and convenience in general, the Mealthy Multipot will be great. Regardless of what you might choose, you are still getting an amazing deal, either way, so you will be spending your money wisely.


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