Difference Between Egg Bagel vs Plain Bagel

Egg Bagel vs Plain Bagel
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Egg Bagel vs Plain Bagel

The difference between egg bagels and plain bagels mainly lies in their preparation. Egg bagels are mainly made using eggs. This gives them a richer taste and texture.

Egg bagels are often served plain or with a poppy seed topping. Egg bagel recipes can range from traditional to creative. Here’s a brief comparison between both varieties:

Egg Bagel vs Plain Bagel

Although the differences between egg and plain bagels are not huge, you should be aware of them. Knowing exactly what’s in your food will make it much easier for you to make the right choice. Let’s take a good look at both of them:

Comparison Table

FeaturesEgg BagelsPlain Bagels
Suitable toppingsPoppy SeedsPeanut butter & granola
Main ingredientEggsFlour
Suitable forBreakfastBreakfast or Lunch
Cooking time20 minutes45 minutes

Egg Bagel

If you’re looking for a tasty, cheesy breakfast treat, try making an Egg Bagel. These delicious buns are made with egg yolk and cream cheese. They’re deliciously toasted or slathered with cream cheese and butter. Egg bagels go well with a variety of fillings.

This bagel can be eaten at any time of the day or night. It’s an enjoyable breakfast or snack, and the taste will surely satisfy your tastebuds. Egg bagels are a fun twist on an old favorite. They’re a bit richer than traditional bagels, so try them plain or with poppy seeds.

This is the perfect way to add protein to your breakfast. Egg bagels have a distinctive yellow color and texture that distinguish them from other bagels. While they don’t contain food coloring, adding eggs gives them their distinctive color.

An egg bagel is generally easier to prepare. However, because eggs change the texture of the dough, you may need to make adjustments in the dough’s rising times.

Mix the dry ingredients in a stand mixer for egg bagels, then add the eggs and water. Then, use the dough hook on a stand mixer to mix the dough.

Nutritional Value

The eggs in an egg bagel are a rich source of vitamins B12 and A. Many other bagels contain small amounts of both vitamins, but they don’t have the amount of vitamin B12 that an egg bagel contains. It also has a few healthy unsaturated fats and proteins.

Egg bagel
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However, not all of them are healthy. Egg bagels aren’t suitable for vegetarians or vegans because they are high in fat and contain high cholesterol. Egg bagels are popular throughout the United States and many other European countries.

They are similar to plain bagels, but the addition of eggs makes them lighter, fluffier, and sweeter. The egg in egg bagels imparts a richer flavor and texture than plain bagels.

They lack traditional bagels’ chewy texture but are rich in protein. You can also make a variety of toppings to suit your taste.

Plain Bagel

A plain bagel is a classic choice that is always in style. It never fails to satisfy and is perfect for various toppings, including cream cheese, deli meat, and jelly. Plain bagels are made from wheat flour, yeast, and salt. You can also add butter to this bagel.

The addition of these ingredients will give it a sweeter flavor than the egg bagel. You can even add molasses or honey to your bagel recipe. In addition to its versatility, it is pretty affordable and easy to prepare.

Homemade plain bagels can be easily made with just four ingredients. The dough for a plain bagel only needs a little time to rise. No special baking skills are required, and you can make them in about 45 minutes. They can also be used as sandwich buns.

Nutritional Value

Although they are not as nutritious as some other bread, bagels are a very versatile food. They can be served for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. While they are not the healthiest option, varieties with lower fat count are also available.

You can add fresh fruits to a plain bagel to further enhance its flavor. Blueberries, for example, add a tangy taste. Alternatively, you can also add cheese or vegetables.

Egg Bagel vs Plain Bagel

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An egg bagel is softer than a plain bagel, and the eggs give it a distinctive yellow color. With such a soft texture, it will just melt in your mouth. Egg bagels also have a more delicate crumb that we all love. You will find that an egg bagel pairs better with various fillings.


An egg bagel is usually made by rolling the dough into a ball and putting cream cheese inside. Compared to a plain bagel, an egg bagel is slightly sweeter.

In addition, an egg bagel is softer, less chewy, and richer in protein. This makes them an ideal choice for soft fillings in sandwiches.


Egg bagels are less chewy than traditional bagels because they have more eggs in the dough. Plain bagels are chewy in the middle and crisp outside, making them ideal for various purposes.

They are not as elastic as regular bread, so eating them within hours of baking is essential for optimal chewiness. While both have a similar nutritional value, egg bagels are slightly healthier than plain varieties.

Homemade Mini Plain Bagels Ready to Eat
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If you’re looking for a healthier alternative to a traditional bagel, consider trying an egg bagel. They’re a much softer, eggier version of the classic bagel. These delicious treats have become a staple in the U.S.

Moreover, egg bagels have a higher protein and iron content than plain bagels. In addition, they contain more folate and vitamin A than their plain counterparts.


Egg bagels are made with egg yolks, a popular addition to many types of breakfast bagels. This gives them a rich flavor and a softer texture.

This texture makes egg bagels much more palatable and allows for a variety of toppings. The only difference is the addition of eggs, which make them fluffier and sweeter than plain bagels.

Final Verdict

Homemade Plain Egg Bagels Ready to Eat
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When it comes to bagels, you can’t go wrong with either egg or plain bagels. Both of them taste great and are packed with vitamins and minerals.

However, egg bagels are better for those who prefer a softer texture, a subtler flavor, and a finer crumb structure than standard bagels. Besides, egg bagels are a better choice for those who want a healthy breakfast.

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