3 Ways On How To Make Fish Taste Less Fishy

How To Make Fish Taste Less Fishy
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How To Make Fish Taste Less Fishy

Even though fish is a great source of protein and omega-three fatty acids, many people, especially children, don’t enjoy a strong fishy flavor.

Today we are going to give you three ways to mask or remove the strong “fishy” taste in your recipes.

What makes some fish taste overly fishy?

Firstly, this issue can be traced back to the type of fish you choose. Some types of fish have a stronger flavor than others and this can be traced to how fatty their flesh is.

Oily fish like salmon, sardines, tuna, bluefish, mackerel, and herrings are very strongly flavored.

how to get rid of fishy smell in refrigerator
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Mild-tasting fish that are suitable for children and those who don’t like a fishy taste is usually white-fleshed and include tilapia, bream, cod, hake, sole, and grouper. They have delicate, sweetish, and creamy-tasting flesh.

A rule of thumb in determining a fish fillet’s flavor profile is to look at the color. The darker the flesh, the stronger the taste.

Secondly, fish may develop a strongly “fishy” taste and odor when it is not fresh. To prevent this, always purchase your fish from a reputable fishmonger.

The fresh fish should be on ice and should remain that way until you get home. Cook your fish within a day or two of buying it.

How to Make Fish Taste Less Fishy

1. Use Milk

Milk has the ability to absorb strong odors and tastes and can be used as a marinade for fish to tone down the flavor profile.

For this process, you just have to leave the fish soaking in some milk for around half an hour. Keep it covered and in the refrigerator while doing so.

If your fish fillets are frozen, thaw them in milk to preserve the delicate texture and reduce the fishy taste. Once the time is up, drain the milk off and discard it. Pat the fish dry before proceeding with your recipe.

Preparing the fish in a milky or creamy sauce will help to tone down the flavor as well. Prepare a basic white sauce and flavor it with mild herbs, cheese, or mushrooms.

Alternatively, cook the fish separately and serve the sauce on the side.

2. Use Lemon

Portion of fresh homemade Lemon Juice
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Lemon and vinegar pair wonderfully well with fish and are traditionally served alongside fried fish to cut through the oiliness and lend freshness to the dish.

You can also prep your fish fillets with lemon juice to eliminate fishy odors before cooking. Simply squeeze some fresh lemon juice over the raw fish fillets before proceeding with the recipe.

You can pat the fillets dry with a paper towel if necessary.

Once cooked, serve your fried fish with extra lemon wedges. The juice acts as a palate cleanser and wakes up the tastebuds. The acidity cleanses your fingers and mouth of any residual fishy odors.

The science behind why lemon works so well with fish is that fish flesh contains amines. These are produced when the fish muscle begins to break down. (There are more in fish that are not fresh.)

Amines are similar to ammonia in chemical composition, hence the off-putting smell and taste. Amines are alkaline and when combined with an acid such as the citric acid in lemon juice, they form tasteless, odorless amine salts.

3. Use Spices

Variety of spices and herbs
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Spices of various kinds go well with fish and serve to mask the fishy taste. A word of warning though – fish flesh absorbs spicy tastes easily so don’t be too heavy-handed with them.

Here is a list of spices and herbs that pair well with mild-flavored fish:

  • Oregano
  • Sweet basil
  • Thyme
  • Garlic
  • Dillweed
  • Parsley
  • Paprika

While there are many herb and spice blends on the market, it is our opinion that you cannot beat a homemade one. Do try our recipe for a spice fish blend that will certainly help your fish taste less fishy and more delicious.

It works extremely well with white-fleshed fish. Use it as a rub, add it to the crumbs, or use it as a seasoning while the fish is cooking. Make small amounts at a time and store it in an airtight jar or Ziploc bag.

trouts fish on the baking dish
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Simply mix all the ingredients together. We recommend using about a teaspoonful per fish fillet.


To conclude

Our three methods outlined above are all very effective for dealing with a too-strong fishy flavor. We hope you learn to enjoy this versatile and healthy protein source!

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