Power Pressure Cooker XL Error Code E2: 7 Fixes

Power Pressure Cooker Xl Error Code E2
Power Pressure Cooker Xl Error Code E2

Pressure cookers are versatile kitchen gadgets that are used to either cook or reheat meals quickly and easily. Without any supervision, they can cook a meal in a flash. The same holds true for Power Pressure Cooker XL.

Unfortunately, the entire process of cooking can be plagued by error code E2 on a Power Pressure Cooker XL. When the error code E2 shows up in your power pressure cooker XL, it is mainly because of a malfunction in the bottom sensor, i.e., a short circuit. So, let’s figure out the fixes to this problem!

Power Pressure Cooker XL Error Code E2 Fixes

Power pressure cooker XL error code E2

  1. Check The Thermocouple

The E2 error indicates that the thermocouple has a broken or open circuit. Thermocouples are sensors for measuring temperature. When the power pressure cooker XL displays the error message E2, consider checking the thermocouple.

The thermocouple is sensitive and cylindrical, so handle it carefully. In case the thermocouple turns out to be broken, you must replace it right away. Find its replacement and ask a professional to replace it.

  1. Check The Thermal Switch

A thermal switch in the power pressure cooker XL has two wires connected to it. It is a kind of electromechanical device that senses changes in temperature and responds by opening or closing contacts to regulate the flow of electrical current.

After locating the thermal switch point, use a multimeter to determine whether or not the switch has blown out. It’s best to get a new one if the old one is blown away. Consequently, you will be able to get rid of the E2 error code.

  1. Check For Moisture

Modern multi cooker and products on table in kitchen

Error code E2 will be shown if there is an excessive amount of moisture present in the pressure cooker. To resolve the issue, disconnect the pressure cooker from its power supply.

After the pressure cooker has been allowed to cool down, remove the lid and lower the amount of liquid in the cooker. Doing so will lessen the amount of moisture in the pressure cooker, and the unit won’t show the error code E2.

  1. Check The Pressure

It’s possible that the issue arose because your pressure cooker didn’t produce enough pressure. A gasket is included in the XL pressure cooker, which may wear out over time. That means your appliance won’t generate sufficient pressure to function correctly.

If it takes too long for your Power Pressure Cooker XL to build up pressure, check for damage to the gasket and pressure valves. If the damage is severe, a new gasket can fix the problem.

  1. Check For Food Residues

Cooking rice with meat and vegetables in pressure multi cooker

If the E2 error code persists after attempts to adjust the moisture level, it may be due to food remains. For instance, your pressure cooker may get clogged by dry items like sugar, salt, or cereal.

To get rid of this error code, it will be necessary to empty the pressure cooker of these residues and clean its inside. Vinegar can be used to eliminate residues from your pressure cooker quickly and easily.

Once you have cleaned your pressure cooker, turn it on to see whether it is still showing the error code or not.

  1. Mechanical Issue

Most of the time, the mechanical issue is to blame when error E2 occurs. The power pressure cooker XL includes a top plate that may be adjusted by pressing it from the side. Press the plate until it clicks. The contacts will be open, and you may throw away the sandpaper.

This will cause the contacts to shut and the terminals to become cleaned. When finished, reinstall the removed components and switch on the pressure cooker. This may also originate from loose griping of the top plate of the cooker while handling it.

However, it can be resolved by switching off the cooker, adjusting the screws of the top plate, and tightening the junctions to ensure the terminals are cleared up.

  1. Faulty Pressure Cooker

If the Power pressure cooker XL is showing the error code even after you have tried the abovementioned solutions, the chances are that you have a faulty unit. As soon as the sensor in a power pressure cooker shows signs of damage, the E2 error code appears.

It’s possible that the sensor is in good shape, but the pressure cooker itself is defective. If that’s the case, you may think about getting a new power pressure XL.

The Bottom Line

Power pressure cooker XL

Most of the time, taking the lid off the pressure cooker XL is all it takes to get rid of the E2 error code. However, if that doesn’t work, we’ve compiled a list of other fixes that may help you eliminate the E2 error code.

However, if you still get this code, you’ll need to get in touch with customer support service via the company’s website.