Pigeon Peas vs Green Peas – Are They The Same?

Pigeon Peas vs Green Peas
Pigeon Peas vs Green Peas

Meat and poultry are no longer the only staples of a typical American diet; instead, nowadays, most people include a variety of legumes and vegetables in their diet. When it comes to veggies, peas are among the most widely consumed vegetables.

There are two types of peas that are quite well known: green peas and pigeon peas. Most individuals see no difference between these two. In case you’re wondering whether they are the same or different, this article will clear all your doubts!

Comparing Pigeon Peas vs. Green Peas

Comparison Table

Features Pigeon Peas Green Peas
Color Off-white Green
Flavor Nutty Sweet and Savoury
Availability Summer and Autumn Winters

1. Pigeon Peas

Pigeon peas are tiny, off-white, and rounded vegetables that are grown in pods like beans and peas. Much like edamame, they have a nutty flavor and a crisp texture.

The immature pods will be a vibrant green, and they’ll age to a dark brown-purple tint with brown splotches or striations.

Fresh pigeon peas are often called green pigeon peas, which is why many people mistake them for green peas.

To get the best peas, you should look for pods that are bright green and have plump peas within. The months of late summer and early autumn are considered to be the best time to purchase fresh pigeon peas.


Indian Gujarati Tuver Totha pigeon peas

The serving of pigeon peas is similar to that of green peas; for example, they may be incorporated with other vegetables like cauliflower and carrots. They also take a bit longer to boil as compared to green peas.

Nutritional Value

Pigeon peas contain not only a high amount of protein but also a variety of minerals, including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and potassium.

It is best to eat pigeon peas when they are still green since they are more nutritious and simpler to digest than after they have dried up and lost their color.

Pigeon pea leaves, when ripe, may be ground into a paste and used to cure diarrhea and dysentery, while younger leaves can be juiced and consumed as a healthy snack. Moreover, pigeon peas are richer in starch than other legumes.

pigeon peas vs green peas


When storing peas in the refrigerator, it is advised to keep them in an airtight container. Furthermore, it would be better to consume them in three to four days.

The pods that have become brown should be allowed to dry out so that they may be used in place of dried peas.

2. Green Peas

Green peas, sometimes known as “garden peas,” are the round, tiny seeds of the Pisum sativum plant. All around the globe, people have been eating them for hundreds of years.

Beans and peas belong to the family of plants known as legumes, which includes plants that produce pods containing seeds.

There are several more foods that fall under the category of “legume,” such as lentils, chickpeas, beans, and peanuts. Green peas are only available during the five months of the winter season.


There are several ways to serve green peas. Mostly, they are used as an additive element to make a vegetable dish along with other vegetables like potatoes, cauliflower, and carrots. Moreover, frozen green peas are also added to many dishes.

Baguette with mashed green peas

Nutritional Value

Green peas are nutritional powerhouses, thanks to the high content of fiber and protein. The high fiber content in green peas has been shown to improve digestive health in a number of ways.

Minerals, including magnesium, potassium, and calcium, all good for the heart, can be found in reasonable quantities in these peas.

Green peas are packed with healthy elements, but they also contain antinutrients, which may reduce their nutritional value.

Numerous foods, including legumes and grains, have these substances that may prevent proper digestion and mineral absorption.


fridge store

You will need airtight bags or containers to store green peas. Consider eating them in 5-7 days. If you don’t intend to consume them in a week, it would be better to freeze them.

Final Verdict – Pigeon Peas vs Green Peas

Both of them have their own distinct properties, uses, and nutritional values, all of which set them apart from one another. Therefore, they cannot be used interchangeably.

Although both taste great, pigeon peas are a preferred option for many, thanks to the amazing nutritional benefits they offer.