How To Use FoodSaver Marinade Container?

how to use foodsaver marinade container
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how to use foodsaver marinade container

FoodSaver is a great way of preserving your food items for a long time, be it dry food items or moist items like meat, seafood, and poultry.

The vacuum sealer works by removing air from the bags because air exposure is the only reason behind the spoilage of food.

However, some vacuum sealers are also designed with a marinating feature that helps accelerate the marinating process for meat and vegetables.

However, the vacuum sealers with a marinate feature are new, and not many people know how to use the FoodSaver marinade container. For this reason, we are sharing everything you need to know!

How To Use FoodSaver Marinade Container?

Marinating The Food With FoodSaver’s Marinade Container – The Process

Making a quick dinner can be challenging, especially if you like the food to be properly marinated and flavored. Unfortunately, the traditional method of marinating can take hours.

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In particular, marinating the meat can take several hours, which means you have to start the preparation ahead of time, and many people marinate it overnight.

In most cases, making well-marinated food is usually off the table if you don’t marinate in advance, but FoodSaver vacuum sealer can help you out.

This is because you can vacuum seal the food with the marinade mixture, and the food will be flavored and tenderized in a few minutes rather than hours.

In particular, the company has released a Quick Marinator, which can be used to marinade meat chops in only twelve minutes.

How Does It Work?

The Quick Marinator in the vacuum sealers is designed to use vacuum power to force the marinade mixture into the food – it will be able to absorb the flavor and tenderize the meat.

It allows the users to marinate the food within thirty minutes, or you can leave it for longer to make sure the flavor absorption is improved.

The Quick Marinator is basically a 2.25-quart canister, which can be used to vacuum-seal the food by using a hose and an adapter.

It’s extremely durable and can be washed in a dishwasher. In addition, the canister is made from BPA-free material to make sure the chemical doesn’t leech into the food.

So, with this section, we are sharing how to use the marinade container;

  • Put the meat into your marinator along with the desired marinade and seal the lid properly (make sure the lid is firmly closed)
  • Connect the adapter to the lid’s top and hit the marinate button on the vacuum sealer
  • Once the container has been vacuum sealed, you have to take out the adapter and let the meat rest for half an hour

The marinated food from the Quick Marinator can be directly put into the oven, stovetop, or grill for cooking.

Additional Things To Remember

The Quick Marinator has made it convenient for people to marinate their meats and veggies within a few minutes. However, there are some things that you’ve to remember while using it, such as;

  • First of all, you must ensure that there is enough marinade mixture to cover the food in the marinating container
  • When you add the marinade mixture and food to the container, make sure you leave at least an inch of space between the rim and the food
  • Check the rubber gasket of the lid and rim of a marinating container to make sure it’s clean and doesn’t have any food debris
  • If you are using an accessory hose with the adapter, you have to take out the bottom portion and connect the tip to Quick Marinator’s port
  • Always connect the Quick Marinator’s base to the lid firmly
  • Turn on the knob on the Quick Marinator to make sure the arrow is pointing in the “open” button’s direction

When the meat and vegetables are vacuum-sealed, you can put the sealed contents in a refrigerator for twenty to thirty minutes to ensure the flavors are properly infused.

If you are using a vacuum sealer from V3 series, you must use the open settings. In the case of other models, the vacuum or canister option can be used.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that the FoodSaver Quick Marinator is a reliable way of improving the marinating process. So, if you have a marinate button available, don’t hesitate to use it!

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