Can You Boil A Steak? (Quick Guide)

Can You Boil A Steak?
Can You Boil A Steak?

Steak is considered one of the best and most expensive cuts of meat and makes a delicious dinner for people who like meat.

However, it is one thing to decide to have steak for supper and quite another to know which cut to get and how to cook it. It may all seem a little overwhelming for new cooks.

For the sake of this article, we will consider beef steaks although steaks from other animals may be treated similarly.

Types Of Steak

There are many kinds of steak such as ribeye, strip steak, rump, tenderloin, T-bone, porterhouse, sirloin, and more.

Because steak is tender due to having little tough connective tissue, most of these cuts are usually fried, grilled, seared, or barbequed. You may be wondering if it is possible or advisable to boil a steak.

We answer your question here.

Can You Boil A Steak?

In short, yes, any meat, including steak, can be boiled, irrespective of the cut you are using. Needless to say, boiling is not a conventional or recommended way of cooking steak.

The main reason is that cooking methods that brown the meat in a little oil such as frying result in a far better flavor and aroma than you can get from boiling.

The caramelization that occurs on the outside is deliciously savory plus it seals the juices inside the meat, resulting in a succulent dish.

If you have steak though and you’d like to boil it to make, say, a stew or soup, this can certainly be done.

You would need to boil steak for a far shorter time than tougher cuts of meat because there is little tough connective tissue that needs to dissolve in the cooking liquor.

slices of Boiled meat

How To Boil Steak

  • If you must boil steak, here’s one method that’s good if you’re making soup or stew.

Start by cutting the meat into even-sized cubes. Heat a little oil or fat in a saucepan and sear the cubes over high heat to get some caramelization on them. This will add to the flavor. This would also be the time to brown any onions and garlic you may be using.

Now, pour enough boiling water over the cubes to cover them. Add seasoning, herbs, and spices according to your recipe, and any vegetables like carrots and celery.

Turn the heat down, put the lid on, and simmer everything together until the vegetables are soft. Thicken the gravy with a little flour or cornstarch and you’re good to go if you are making a stew.

  • An alternative to conventional boiling is to use the sous vide cooking method.

The steak is placed in a glass jar or plastic bag and is cooked in a water bath for at least a couple of hours. Remember, before you boil the steak, wipe it down with a vinegar-soaked cloth and remove any visible fat.

When Might One Boil Steak?

  1. Boiling is a useful method if you want to make beef broth for an invalid or elderly family member at home. The flavor and nutrients seep into the water as the steak simmers. Digestibility will be enhanced.
  2. Boiling may be done if you want to make a quick batch of nutritious, home-cooked baby food. Simply put your cubed steak, vegetables, and potatoes into a pot and cover it with water. Boil until everything is tender then puree it all together. This can be stored in the freezer in small portions for your baby.
  3. You may also need to boil steak if you don’t have an appropriate pan or stove for frying. If all you have is a pot and one burner, boiling may be your best option.

What Is The Best Steak Cut To Boil?

Boiling works best for tougher cuts of steak such as strip steak, skirt steak, flap steak, and flank. While you technically can boil the more tender steak cuts like tenderloin and rump, it would be a pity to do so.

Meat lovers and food critics may go so far as to call it sacrilege!

Variety of raw beef meat steaks for grilling with seasoning

Disadvantages Of Boiling Steak

The main disadvantage of boiling steak is a loss of flavor, aroma, and appetizing appearance.

Pan-fried or barbequed steak is golden, crispy on the outside but juicy on the inside, smells delicious, and tastes absolutely amazing with a strong umami flavor from the caramelization. All this is lost when boiling the meat.

To compensate, you will need to add flavor with ingredients like garlic, onions, root vegetables, stock, herbs, and spices.

Alternatively, make a flavorsome sauce like pepper sauce, creamy mushroom sauce, or a tangy barbeque sauce. Serve this poured over the meat to disguise its grey color.

Is It Safe To Boil Steak?

Saucepan full of boiling water

If you are concerned about the safety related to boiling steak, there is nothing to worry about provided you use clean water and your steak is not off. Boiling the steak will kill harmful bacteria, including E. coli and salmonella.

If your meat and water are fresh, this cooking method is very safe and you won’t have to worry about food poisoning.

To Conclude

While it is possible and safe to boil steak, it is not the best method for cooking this expensive, tender cut of beef.

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