What Substitute For Milk In Jiffy Cornbread? (12 Alternatives)

what substitute for milk in jiffy cornbread
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what substitute for milk in jiffy cornbread

Cornbread is one of the most delicious varieties of bread made from cornmeal. It is native to the Southern US, and there are various cornbread mixes available in the market.

Jiffy Cornbread is one of the most popular mixes, which makes fluffy and moist bread. However, it has to be mixed with milk to make sure the cornbread is baked to perfection.

However, if you want to mix the Jiffy Cornbread mix but are wondering what substitute for milk in Jiffy Cornbread, we are sharing some options with you!

What Substitute For Milk In Jiffy Cornbread?

  1. Almond Milk

This variety of milk can be used as a substitute, but you have to remember that almond milk has a thinner texture as compared to cow’s milk.

almond milk
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For this reason, the cornbread might come out a bit dry. The best thing about almond milk is that it adds a sweet and nutty flavor to the cornbread.

Almond milk is readily available in grocery stores, and we recommend using a 1:1 substitution ratio to prepare cornbread.

  1. Powdered Milk

Powdered milk is one of the easiest substitutes to make Jiffy Cornbread. This is because it’s readily available and works well in baking recipes.

In addition to regular powdered milk, you can also use powdered buttermilk which is suitable to replicate flavor and prepare the cornbread mix.

The powdered milk should be prepared with water before it’s added to the mix. In addition, powdered milk is available in the form of cans and can be stored for a long time.

  1. Evaporated Milk

The evaporated milk is whole milk that’s been reduced by 50%. For this purpose, you should mix equal parts of water and evaporated milk to mix the cornbread mix.

evaporated milk
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It is recommended that you mix the evaporated milk with water before mixing it into the cornbread mix to make sure the texture comes out well.

Evaporated milk can be used as a substitute in every recipe that needs milk, so it doesn’t hurt to stock up on a few cans of evaporated milk.

  1. Yogurt

You can opt for Greek as well as plain yogurt to replace milk in the cornbread. The yogurt helps achieve the moist and soft texture of the bread.

However, it’s recommended that you add water to yogurt to make it thinner, or else the cornbread will be too heavy. Ideally, you should use 25% water and 75% yogurt.

In addition, it’s recommended that you add a bit of sugar to the yogurt – it will help overcome the tart flavor and make sure the bread comes out fluffy.

  1. Buttermilk

Buttermilk is widely used to prepare cornbread, and it’s recommended that you mix it with other liquids as it has a thicker texture.

butter milk
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The thick texture of buttermilk will result in a heavier texture, which is why we recommend adding some water to the buttermilk.

On the other hand, if you follow a vegan diet, you can use a combination of one tablespoon of lemon juice and a cup of soy milk.

  1. Half And Half

Half-and-half can be used to prepare the cornbread mix, but it might result in a denser texture. For this reason, it’s recommended that you use equal parts of water and cream to make sure the bread is soft and fluffy.

In addition, half-and-half has a high-fat content, which is why we suggest adding less. Once you thin out the half-and-half cream, it’s recommended that you use a 1:1 substitution ratio.

  1. Cashew Milk

Cashew milk has become a popular substitute for regular milk because it can improve the immune system as well as heart health.

Cashew milk is loaded with minerals, vitamins, proteins, and healthy fats, making it a healthier choice. The thick texture of cashew milk will result in moister bread.

cashew milk
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You can use a 1:1 substitution ratio, or you can mix cashew milk with water. However, keep in mind that cashew milk is nut-based, which is why people with nut allergies should avoid using it.

  1. Oat Milk

Oat milk is a perfect choice for people who need non-dairy cornbread without losing its texture. Oat milk is made from soaked whole oats or steel-cut oats.

This is a lactose-free and vegan-friendly option, so you can prepare healthy cornbread. Oat milk is readily available in grocery, and it has a texture similar to regular milk.

  1. Lactaid

This is similar to cow’s milk but might feel a bit thinner. It’s a reliable substitute for lactose intolerant people and can prepare cornbread without changing the cornbread’s texture.

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  1. Rice Milk

Rice milk is usually thinner as compared to regular milk, which is why using it to prepare Jiffy Cornbread will result in a lighter texture.

The best thing about rice milk is that it’s suitable for vegan people as there is no lactose in it. Rice milk can be used in the same quantity as regular milk, as it’s made with a combination of water and rice.

In addition to mixing Jiffy Cornbread, rice milk can be used to replace milk in mac and cheese as well.

  1. Hemp Seed Milk

Hemp seed milk is loaded with healthy proteins and fats, and the fat content is similar to regular milk. It has a strong and nutty flavor, which can adversely impact the flavor of cornbread.

hemp seed milk
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For this reason, it’s recommended that you add less hemp seed milk. The good thing is that hemp seed milk is lactose-free, gluten-free, and soy-free.

  1. Soy Milk

Soy milk adds a similar flavor and texture to cornbread. However, make sure you opt for unsweetened and plain soy milk to make sure the flavor isn’t impacted.

Soy milk is a promising choice for vegan people and can be used in a 1:1 substitution ratio.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that these substitutes will help you prepare Jiffy Cornbread without compromising on flavor and texture of the bread.

However, if you don’t have anything, you can use water. The only issue with water is that it won’t add a milky taste to the bread. For this purpose, just add some butter to the mixture.

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