4 Common NutriChef Vacuum Sealer Problems Troubleshooting

nutrichef vacuum sealer troubleshooting
nutrichef vacuum sealer troubleshooting

NutriChef vacuum sealer is one of the most cost-effective and time-efficient methods of preserving food items for longer.

These vacuum sealers are fully automatic, which makes them easier to use. The vacuum sealer has a plug-in design as well as a control center for better control of the features.

NutriChef has added two sealing modes in the unit, which allows the users to seal dry as well as moist food items without any leaking.

These vacuum sealers are designed to keep the food preserved for five folds longer as compared to Ziplock bags and cling wraps.

However, the vacuum sealer is still prone to operational issues, which is why we are sharing a NutriChef vacuum sealer troubleshooting guide in this article!

NutriChef Vacuum Sealer Troubleshooting:

  1. Nothing Is Happening When You Vacuum-Seal The Food

The vacuum sealers are designed to start sealing the vacuum sealer bags as soon as you start the sealing process. The vacuum sealers are set in dry mode by default, but you can use the moist mode as well.

However, if you have turned on the vacuum sealer but it’s unable to vacuum-seal the food, we are sharing a few solutions that you can try;

Check The Power Connections

The vacuum sealer by NutriChef is an electronic unit, which means a proper power connection is essential to turn on the unit and start the vacuum-sealing process.

Plug in wall with hand and black power cord cable

First of all, you have to check the power cord and make sure it’s tightly connected to the power socket. Keep in mind that a power cord shouldn’t be melted or broken.

Secondly, you have to check the power socket – we recommend connecting the vacuum sealer to another wall socket, and if it works, the previous socket was damaged and has to be repaired.

Check The Latches

In case there are no power issues, we recommend that you check the latches. There are latches on a vacuum sealer that keeps the tray and sealing ring in place.

To make sure the vacuum sealer starts to vacuum-seal the food, you must put the latches in a locked position. You can consult your manual to locate the latches and see if they are locked.

Check The Bag

If the latches are already locked, but the food isn’t getting vacuum-sealed, we recommend that you check the bag. In particular, the bag must be placed in the vacuum chamber properly.

sealer bag

Secondly, make sure that the vacuum sealer bag is intact and doesn’t have any tears. Also, the bag must be fully dry to ensure proper vacuum sealing.


If nothing seems to fix the issue, there are chances that the vacuum sealer is overheated. After vacuum-sealing one bag, make sure you give it rest for thirty to forty seconds.

On the other hand, if resting the vacuum sealer doesn’t work, we recommend that you hire an electrician to get the internal components checked.

  1. Air In The Bag

When the NutriChef vacuum sealer works, it sucks out air and moisture from the bag, and the food is fully attached to the vacuum sealer bag.

However, if the vacuum sealer bag still has some air, it is likely that you didn’t place the vacuum sealer bag on the vacuum chamber properly.

To prevent this issue, it’s recommended that you put the vacuum sealer bag’s opening is placed in the vacuum chamber properly.

Secondly, you have to ensure that the bag is intact and doesn’t have any tears. If the bag is leaked, you can try putting on duct tape as a temporary solution, but you will have to change the bag eventually.

vacuum packed

Thirdly, you must check the seal of your vacuum sealer bag. This is because if there are wrinkles in the seal area, there will be air in the bag. The solution is to open the bag, remove the wrinkles, and reseal the bag.

Lastly, it’s recommended that you don’t make the side seams on your own. This is because the vacuum sealer bags are designed with special side beams, which have to be sealed rather than your own seals.

This is important because making your own side seams can lead to leakage and allow re-entry of air.

  1. Air Has Re-Entered Into The Bag

If there was no air in the vacuum sealer, but the air has re-entered the bag, we recommend that you check the following solutions;

  • First of all, you have to check the bag’s seal because a wrinkle in the seal can cause entry of air into the vacuum sealer bag
  • Secondly, check the food items because trying to vacuum-seal the crumbs, grease, powders, and juices can cause sealing issues. If you have used these food items previously, you have to take out the food, wipe the top properly from the inside, and reseal the bag
  • Thirdly, you have to check the bag because if you vacuum-sealed the sharp food items, it can result in punctures. The solution is to inspect the vacuum sealer bag and look for punctures – if there are punctures, you’ve to use a new bag. Also, it’s recommended that you wrap the sharp food items in tissue paper and reseal them in a new bag
  • If nothing seems to work, there are chances that the food has started to spoil because of the release of natural gasses or the fermentation process. Such bags should be discarded
  1. The Bags Keep Melting

If you have put the vacuum sealer bag in the vacuum chamber, but the bag keeps melting, there are chances that the rubber lip is too hot.

Once you have sealed one bag, make sure the vacuum sealer is shut off for at least thirty seconds before you seal another bag.

Secondly, you have to check the gasket. This is because if the gasket is worn out and cracked, it can lead to the melting of the vacuum sealer bags. The solution is to replace the gasket.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that troubleshooting the NutriChef vacuum sealer is quite convenient. However, if the unit still has performance issues, call NutriChef’s customer support team!