Ninja Foodi Oven “CALL CUSt SrVC” “ER1” – “ER7” Error Message: How To Fix?

Ninja Foodi Oven "CALL CUSt SrVC" "ER1" - "ER7" Error Message
Ninja Foodi Oven “CALL CUSt SrVC” “ER1” – “ER7” Error Message

Ninja is a well-known brand with a wide range of kitchen appliances, including air fryers, ovens, grills, and more. Foodi Oven is one of the most popular appliances with bake, toast, dehydrate, bagel, and warm features.

However, many people have complained about “CALL CUSt SrVC” that’s followed by “ER1” and “ER7” error codes. So, let’s see how this error code can be fixed!

Ninja Foodi Oven “CALL CUSt SrVC” “ER1” – “ER7” Error Message

1. Mechanical Issues

Ninja Foodi is a six-in-one digital air fryer oven, and minor issues with the internal components can lead to performance errors.

The performance errors usually indicate damage to the internal components, particularly the heating element and thermostat. That’s because these components are important for cooking or warming up food.

For this reason, we recommend that you turn off the oven, remove the back cover by pressing the push button, and access the heating assembly. If the heating element seems blackened out, it means that it’s burnt and should be replaced.

However, if it’s intact, you have to check the continuity of the thermostat with the help of a multimeter (you will have to turn on the oven to check the continuity).

If there is zero reading on the multimeter, the thermostat needs to be repaired but make sure you take the unit to a local repair shop to get it replaced.

Last but not least, you should get the electric components and wires checked and repaired if they are damaged.

Also, these wires and electric components are fused because of voltage fluctuations, so make sure you install a voltage stabilizer to protect the unit from voltage fluctuations.

2. Register The Appliance

boxes of Ninja Foodi digital air fry oven

If you have purchased a new unit and it shows the error code as soon as you turn it on, it means that you have to complete the appliance registration process.

The appliance can be registered at the company’s website. During the registration process, you will need the appliance’s serial number, which can be checked from the manual.

If you don’t have the manual, you can look on the bottom side of the appliance (it has a sticker with the model and serial number).

In addition, the serial number is printed on the appliance box – you can check on the bottom as there is a barcode with the serial number.

Once you have the serial number, open the registration page and enter the product details to complete the registration process. Also, it’s recommended that you power cycle the unit after completing the registration process.

3. Reset

Electrician inserting plug into power socket

In case you’ve been using the Foodi for a long time, and the error code has appeared for the first time, resetting is the most reliable option.

The unit can be reset by disconnecting the power cord for a few minutes. Keep in mind that turning off the unit by pressing the power button won’t reset the unit.

4. Overheating

Overheated units can also cause errors. In most cases, the food scrapes from baking can dry up in the unit and overheat the unit whenever you turn it on.

For this reason, make sure you clean the crumb tray regularly and clean splatters from the interior walls (the walls can be cleaned with a damp microfiber cloth).

Glowing red heating elements in electric oven

For deep cleaning, you will need to release the back door and use the soapy and warm water solution to clean the interior.

Make sure that you don’t use chemical cleaners, scrubbing brushes, or abrasive cleaners, as they can damage the oven’s components. Also, always dry the components before you attach the back door and turn on the oven.

The Bottom Line

Many users have reported that Ninja Foodi ovens show the CALL CUSt SrVC sometimes. This article discusses the reasons and solutions for this error code.

If you don’t want to perform troubleshooting on your own, you can contact the customer support team.