How To Dehydrate Sweet Cream? (Explained)

How To Dehydrate Sweet Cream?
How To Dehydrate Sweet Cream?

Dehydrating cream is not child’s play. If you are not an expert, then there is a high chance that you will ruin your sweet cream while dehydrating it, especially if it has a very high butterfat content.

However, don’t let us discourage you! It is possible so we will attempt to give you the best possible advice here.

What To Use Dehydrated Sweet Cream For?

You may have seen sweet cream powder for sale in specialist food stores, catering shops, or online. It is a shelf-stable, dehydrated, powdered product that has several uses.

It can either be reconstituted by adding a cup of cold water to 3 tablespoons of powder or used as a powder in coffee, creamy soups, scrambled eggs or omelets, sauces, or mashed potatoes. We’re sure you will find many more uses for it!

How To Dehydrate Sweet Cream

Follow our steps for dehydrating milk or sweet cream in the dehydrator.

Step 1: Scald the cream

In other words, bring it to a boil then quickly remove it from the heat. This process kills any enzymes or bacteria that may spoil the cream. Of course, if your cream has previously been pasteurized, you may skip this step.

If you are using a thermometer when scalding your sweet cream in a saucepan, take the cream to 82 degrees Celcius (180 degrees Fahrenheit) then remove it from the flame.

Do not heat it further or it may curdle. Stir the cream gently with a wooden spoon while heating to ensure an even temperature throughout.

hands stirring hot mix of yolks, starch, sugar and milk to thick making custard cream

Step 2: Allow the cream to cool

If you are in a hurry, stand the saucepan in a sink of cold water. Add some ice blocks to hurry the process up.

Step 3: Prepare the dehydrator

Clean and sanitize the dehydrator and trays properly. You don’t want your cream to taste of the jerky or onions that you dehydrated before! Put the silicone mats into the bottom of the trays. If you don’t have any, buy ones used for making fruit rolls.

hands empty metal pan from dehydrating machine dehydrator

Step 4: Begin the process

Load the trays into the dehydrator then pour a cupful of sweet cream into the middle of each one. Set the machine to a temperature of 135 degrees Fahrenheit. Leave it for 12-16 hours until dry and flaky. Ensure that it dries completely or it will go moldy when stored.

What If You Don’t Have A Dehydrator?

Use your oven!

Cheerful Asian girl turning on the oven in the kitchen

  1. Simmer the cream in a double boiler for several hours until it has thickened and some water has evaporated.
  2. Set the oven to 150 degrees Fahrenheit.
  3. Pour the cream into a shallow, wide, non-stick ovenproof dish.
  4. Place it in the oven and leave it to dry for around 8 hours. Leave the door ajar so that moisture can escape.
  5. Turn the disc of cream over after a few hours to prevent it from sticking and browning on one side.

What To Do Once The Cream Is Dry?

Elements of a Food Processor Preparation for Cooking

Powder the cream in a mortar and pestle or food processor. Store it in an airtight glass jar in a cool, dry, dark place. If completely dry, the dehydrated sweet cream should keep for up to a year.

Be sure to label the jar with the date. To reconstitute, add 3 tablespoons of the powder to a cupful of cold water.

To Conclude

While it is easier to get a good result with milk this way, we’d love to hear how your sweet cream turns out. Keep us posted in the comment section!

Categories Cooking