Why Does Yogurt Burn Tongue? (4 Reasons)

Why Does Yogurt Burn My Tongue?
Why Does Yogurt Burn My Tongue?

Yogurt is one of the healthiest dairy products available and is suitable for most people to eat. It also satisfies that desire for a creamy dessert without all the sugar (provided you use the plain variety) and is great for breakfast, lunch, or dessert.

Yogurt is rich in important nutrients like calcium, B vitamins, phosphorus, magnesium, and protein. Also, it provides valuable probiotics which are essential for gut health.

Despite all these good properties, now and again you may experience a burning sensation on your tongue when eating yogurt. You may have wondered what this is. Does it mean you have an allergy?

Does it mean that the yogurt is off? We’ve put together the most likely reasons for this phenomenon so keep reading to find out more.

Why Does Yogurt Burn My Tongue?

1. Expired/Off

woman reading label yogurt

Most commercially produced yogurt is made with chemical preservatives to extend its shelf life. Provided you have bought your yogurt from a reputable supplier and are eating it within the sell-by and expiry dates, your yogurt is probably not off.

However, if it’s a strange color or has an unpleasant smell or taste besides the burning, it may be off and it is safer for you to discard it. If it is off, this may be what is causing the burning sensation in your mouth for reasons we’ll explain in the next point.

2. Acidic

Yogurt is opened

Yogurt is made by combining “good, gut-friendly” bacteria with fresh milk and giving the two time to interact. The bacteria begin to consume the milk which thickens and develops a tart, slightly acidic flavor.

During this fermentation process, lactic acid is produced which is what gives the yogurt its slightly sour taste and also acts as a preservative. This cultured milk product can now remain fresh for longer than ordinary milk would.

While yogurt and other dairy products don’t usually become more acidic when refrigerated if they are left at room temperature for too long they may become more acidic.

Normal mouth pH is slightly acid – around 6.7, whereas yogurt has a pH of between 4.4 and 4.8. As you can see, this is already more acidic than your mouth environment, so if the yogurt is left out and becomes even more acidic, it’s going to burn your tongue.

So, while yogurt is essentially sour milk, it can become sourer if left out. Always keep yogurt refrigerated or in a cooler unless you plan to eat it straight away.

3. Allergies

woman with allergy looking at food on table

Certain people are allergic to lactose and if you are, that might be causing the burning sensation in your mouth.

Other symptoms include an itching or tingling sensation around the lips and mouth, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue, or throat, shortness of breath, and sometimes vomiting.

Seek medical attention immediately if you experience any of these symptoms after eating yogurt. You may need to go for allergy tests.

4. Oral Conditions

man getting oral inspection

There are also some oral conditions like mouth infections or a dry, cracked mouth that might cause you to face issues like this. If you think this is the case, ask your doctor to check for any mouth infections or fungal conditions that might be causing acidic foods to burn your mouth.

These are the four main reasons why you’d experience a burning sensation in the mouth when eating yogurt. Let us know in the comments if this has been helpful for you.