What Does C-21 Error Code On Samsung Oven Mean?

What Does C-21 Mean on a Samsung Oven
What Does C-21 Mean on a Samsung Oven

Samsung is an established brand name in the electronic appliance industry, thanks in part to its large range of versatile home and kitchen appliances.

So it should come as no surprise that Samsung is a leading manufacturer of quality ovens that are not only durable but carry many high-tech features. One such feature is a list of error codes that show up when something’s being a hindrance to the oven’s regular functioning.

While this feature is beneficial, having the error codes show up in the middle of functioning can be annoying. So it’s important to learn what different error codes (like C-21) mean before you purchase that high-tech oven.

What Does C-21 Mean on a Samsung Oven?

If the C-21 error code has started flashing on the Samsung oven display, it means that the oven has detected a higher temperature as compared to the set temperature.

The temperature is detected by the temperature sensors fitted inside the oven, so when excessive heat is present, this error code goes off.

Dangers Of An Overheated Oven

It’s important to note that trying to run an overheated oven without fixing the issue at hand is dangerous for several reasons. First and foremost, overheated ovens carry a fire hazard- any food or residue trapped in an overheated oven can ignite and create fire.

Oven fume

If an item inside your oven catches fire, don’t open the door as that will end in flames spreading. Instead, unplug your oven and wait for the fire to die down, then take your oven outdoors safely. Next, overheating in ovens can cause much damage to different compartments.

These include the thermostat, enamel, thermal insulation of the wiring, light bulb, door latches, etc. This results in you having to fork over hundreds of dollars in costly repairs. Lastly, overheating during cooking processes can burn your food or cook it unevenly.

Oftentimes, food will be smoked and burnt on the outside while the inside remains raw. Eating this food poses significant health risks. Overcooked meat is a carcinogen and can upset your stomach as well.

Troubleshooting C-21 Error Code

If your oven shows the C-21 error code, it may be a sensor malfunction where the oven doesn’t overheat but the sensors detect otherwise, or a failure of the thermostat or some cooling compartment that causes the overheating that poses a few risks which we’ve mentioned above.

In the section below, we are sharing the solutions on what to check if you come across this error code.

  • Defective Temperature Sensor

As we said previously, a defective temperature sensor can cause the C-21 error. The temperature sensor is a thin metal probe that is situated on the inside of the oven, usually located next to the broil element.

This sensor’s main task is to keep a check on the internal oven temperature and transmit signals to the main control board for making changes according to the set temperature preference. However, when this sensor begins to fail, it can take inaccurate readings.

Sad millennial woman has difficult phone talk

If a broken sensor notices the heat levels are too high, it will immediately alert the main control board, which will pass the C-21 error code. To avoid this code from showing up constantly, you must call a technician and have the sensors fixed.

Additionally, the sensor may detect a lower temperature than the real surroundings, causing the heating or bake element to stay on for longer than anticipated. This causes actual overheating.

The best solution is to quickly unplug your oven and use a multimeter to check the oven temperature sensor resistance. Call a technician accordingly.

  • Thermostat

A man's hand turning an oven thermostat

When the temperature is higher than what temperature you set it to, it is likely that the thermostat has worn out and needs complete replacement to work again. If you are unaware of the thermostat’s function, it is needed to measure the oven temperature.

When the set temperature is reached, the oven will be signaled to stop working and maintain the current temperature. When the thermostat stops working, it won’t be able to read the temperature accurately, resulting in overheating or under-heating.

So now that you understand the context, it’s important to have the thermostat checked and replaced in case it’s not working properly. Remember, if you’re replacing the thermostat or any other essential component of your cooking oven, get the part from a reputable store.

close microwave door

If you can, try looking for these parts at a Samsung franchise near you.

  • Cooling Fan

The cooling fan is another important component of the oven and plays an important role in preventing overheating. However, when the cooling fan stops working, the oven will overheat and show the C-21 error. The cooling fan is located at the back of the oven cavity.

Run your oven for a minute or two and check if the fan is working or not. If the cooling fan fails to move, call the technician and get it replaced. Trying DIY repairs or having the technician do a fix is only temporary, and the cooling fan needs to be replaced to show long-term results.

As far as the availability of a cooling fan is concerned, it can be purchased from any electric hardware store.

  • Heating Element

Open toaster oven

If the other two components haven’t fixed the error code for you, we suggest that you check out the heating element. The heating element is the primary component that’s responsible for generating heat that eventually cooks the food.

When the heating element goes bad, it could produce more heat than needed, which can ruin any meal you’re trying to cook. So, when this element goes wrong, get it replaced immediately to get the oven functions back to normal.

Also, when you go out to purchase a new heating element, it’s ideal to visit the Samsung store and tell them the oven’s model to get an accurate match.

  • Selector Switch

Side View Of Young Man Repairing Microwave Oven In Kitchen

This is a device found in ovens that aids in communication between the thermostat and the heating/baking element. The oven’s thermostat passes temperature signals to the selector switch.

However, if the switch has a short, it may pass the wrong signal with less temperature value. This can cause the heating element to overwork and produce extra heat. You can’t diagnose trouble with the selector switch yourself, so professional help is a must.

  • Control Panel Glitch

Although rare, the electronic control panels of ovens can glitch and cause overheating which results in C-21 error. This glitch usually arises after frequent power outages. Unplug your oven for a few minutes then turn it back on.

black power cord cable unplugged

If that doesn’t work, your technician can fix this issue by resetting the circuit breaker.

  • Oven Vents

Besides the cooling fan, oven vents help air circulate through the appliance, which keeps the oven at an even and appropriate temperature. Having the vents covered by aluminum foil, dirt, grease, etc can cause overheating of the device.

Keeping your oven close to a wall and not giving vents some open space also leads to overheating.

  • Grime

Grime might not be a common reason behind overheating, but if you haven’t cleaned your Samsung oven in a long time, it could be why your oven is overheating. It specifically causes the issue when food or grime develops around the thermostat.

Cleaning oven

So, switch off the oven, let it cool down, and clean the thermostat. Cleaning any built-up grease along with accumulated fats and oils is crucial to avoid creating smoke during the oven’s regular function cycles.

This smoke is also a cause of overheating and can lead to the C-21 error showing up.

The Bottom Line

To summarize, when handling electronic appliances or related components, make sure that you are following safety precautions. If you see the C-21 error, understand that your oven is overheating, and letting the appliance run can be dangerous.

Cropped shot of aged repairman in uniform working, examining broken oven in the kitchen using flashlight

Call a technician to diagnose the problem and suggest fixes. Ideally, if your oven is still under warranty, ask for official assistance.