4 Signs To Look For If Kiwi Dark Is Green Inside

kiwi dark green inside
kiwi dark green inside

Kiwi is one of the most delicious berries out there and it’s loaded with nutrients. In addition, it has a slightly acidic flavor with tart and tangy undertones.

It’s safe to say that kiwis have a unique flavor and seem like a combination of pineapple, strawberry, and banana. In addition, the kiwis have a light and bright green color interior.

On the other hand, if the kiwis have a dark green interior, it indicates a problem. So, with this article, we are sharing what it means when the kiwis have a dark green interior.

Kiwi Dark Green Inside

Dark Green Interior Of Kiwis – What Does It Mean?

The fresh kiwis have a bright and fresh green color. However, if the kiwis have a dark green interior, it’s likely that the kiwis are spoiled. In addition to the dark green interior, the spoiled kiwis have mushy spots as well.

spoiled kiwi

The fresh kiwis are supposed to be firm and the soft texture means that the kiwis are spoiled. In addition, if the kiwis aren’t firm, they must be refrigerated.

Shelf Life Of Kiwi

The shelf life of kiwi entirely depends on the ripeness level of the fruit and the storage method you choose. An underripe kiwi slowly ripens at room temperature and can last two days to over a week.

Once the kiwis are ripe, they can be stored at room temperature for a few days. However, if you refrigerate them, they will be fresh for over four weeks.

In simpler words, the kiwis will remain fresh in the refrigerator for a long time. On the other hand, if you want to store them for a longer period, you can freeze them,

fridge store


The low temperature of the refrigerator and freezer will slow down the fruit decay.

Signs Of Spoiled Kiwi

The dark green kiwis aren’t fresh and safe to consume. However, there are various other signs of spoiled kiwis that we are sharing in the article below;

  1. Mold

First of all, you have to inspect the kiwis for mold because any signs of mold on the pulp and skin indicate a bacterial infestation.

In most cases, the kiwis have green or brown mold and a fuzzy texture. In addition, the kiwis with white dots on the pulp or skin should be discarded.

Many people make the mistake of cutting out the moldy part and consuming the rest but it’s not recommended that kiwis are small and bacteria can grow in them.

  1. Dryness

The second indication of spoiled kiwis is the dry pulp or skin. You have to look for dry and shriveled skin, and in some cases, the pulp gets dry and drab as well.

dried kiwi

Ideally, you should cut the kiwi even if the skin is dry to see if there is enough juice (the kiwi has a lot of juice, given the watery texture). If that’s the case, the kiwi is rotten.

  1. Texture

The third indication is the mushiness in the kiwi. In particular, you’ve to look for mushy and/or wet areas on the kiwi, especially on the peel.

If there are soft and mushy parts, it’s better that you discard the kiwi because it’s meant to be firm and juicy. For this purpose, you’ve to squeeze the kiwis, and if they are soft to the touch, throw them out.

  1. Odor

The kiwis are known for their slightly acidic odor, but if there is a rancid and extremely acidic odor, it’s better that you discard them.

That’s because the kiwi that’s spoiled has an off and unpleasant odor. To be certain, you should sniff the pulp and skin of the kiwi. Ideally, the odor should be fresh and lemony.

How To Check If Kiwis Are Ripe?

The kiwi is known for its firm texture but its skin doesn’t change color as compared to other fruits. Touch and odor are two primary indicators to determine if the kiwi is ripe and ready to eat.

ripe kiwi

  1. Touch

First of all, you have to squeeze the kiwi lightly with the thumb – if it’s too hard to consume, it’s under-ripe and has to be stored at room temperature to accelerate the ripening process.

On the other hand, if the kiwi is firm with a bit of giving, you should consume it as it’s fully ripened. However, the mushy and soft texture indicates spoilage.

  1. Smell

The second indicator is the smell. An unripe kiwi doesn’t have any odor while a ripe kiwi has a fruity, sweet, and lemony odor.

smell vegetables

  1. Hair

The kiwi’s stem end develops hair when the kiwi is ripe. So, check the stem end and see if there is small brown hair on the stem because the hair only appears when kiwis reach the maturity stage.

Ripening The Kiwi At Home

Kiwis are a delicious summer treat but they are extremely hard if they aren’t ripe. In addition, the ripening process can be extremely long but you can accelerate the ripening process.

  • Putting the kiwis in a warmer environment can accelerate the ripening process. It’s recommended that you put the kiwis in a warm environment but not under direct sunlight. At room temperature, the kiwis will ripen within three to five days
  • Put the kiwis in a brown paper bag and put an apple or a banana in the bag. These fruits will release the ethylene gas, which helps ripen the kiwis. Using this technique will ripen the kiwis in one to two days
  • Another option is to submerge your kiwis in a sack of rice and they will be ready within two to three days because it helps trap ethylene gas
  • Last but not least, you can heat the kiwis in a microwave oven. For this purpose, you have to select the medium temperature setting on the oven and cook the kiwis for fifteen to twenty seconds. Once done, put them in a brown paper bag with a banana or apple for a day or two

The Bottom Line

On a concluding note, the dark green kiwis are overripe and aren’t safe to consume. In addition, such kiwis have a mushy texture, which is a clear indication of spoiled kiwis!

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