4 Ways To Fix Instant Pot Says No Timer

instant pot says on no timer
instant pot says on no timer


The instant pot has been playing an essential role in our kitchens. They are easy to use, cooks your food very fast, and allow you to get the perfect time gauge for cooking your meal. However, there exist some unfortunate moments when your instant pot is on but shows no timer.

It’s one of the most common issues that many of us has faced, and if not resolved, this thing can compel you to get a new instant pot. Instant pot timer issue needs to be fixed as soon as possible for enjoying delicious meals. 

Why my Instant Pot is Showing no Timer?

Various issues can lead to the timer issue of your instant pot. For your ease, this article has brought some of the most common problems. These issues and their solution will allow you to repair your instant pot without getting assistance from an expert.

  1. Fuse is Blown

Using an instant pot regularly can lead to blowing of its fuse. It’s one of the most common factors that why your instant pot stops to show the timer. When the fuse has been blown, the circuit stops to work correctly, leading to the timer issue.

To resolve the problem, open the circuit board of your instant pot and change the fuse. Changing the fuse will make your instant pot new again. 

  1. Setting is Out

It is quite possible that your instant pot setting is out of order, which is causing issues in the timer. This issue has been reported by many of the instant pot users with children at home. If the problem is only of setting, find the reset button on your instant pot or read the manufacturer’s manual guide. It will allow your instant pot timer to work again correctly.

  1. Inconsistent Power Supply

The power supply may also affect the timer of your instant pot. Instant pots are designed to work with a proper power supply, and if the power fluctuates or is not enough for your instant pot, then it is inevitable that your instant pot will not show the timer.

To get rid of this issue, make sure that your instant pot has a proper supply. Doing so will help you to overcome your problem if it is related to power fluctuation.

  1. Not Plugged in Correctly

If your instant pot’s time is not turning on, then before doing anything else, have a look at the power cord. It sometimes happens that your power cord is not attached correctly, which interrupts the current flow. Eventually leading to issues related to your instant pot timer.


Above are mentioned some of the most common issues and their solutions that most people face with their instant pot. These factors are responsible for timer related issues of your instant pot. If your timer is also not working, then try using these solutions on your instant pot timer. It will assist you in resolving all of your instant pot timer related issues.