How Long Should You Preheat an Instant Pot?

instant pot how long to preheat
instant pot how long to preheat

Instant Pots are starting to become more and more popular thanks to how convenient they are. Their multi-purpose design has made them a must-have in most kitchens, which is why more and more people are starting to use them over traditional pressure cookers. Instant Pots are generally easy to use, but this is only true if you know what you’re doing. Working with anything is hard when you don’t know how to use it. This is why everyone needs to learn the basics before using an Instant Pot. Preheating is one of the most important things that you should learn about.

How Long Should You Preheat Your Instant Pot?

The answer to this question actually varies depending upon the type of food that you’re cooking in the Instant Pot. The recommended time for preheating some foods is longer than other foods. Before you learn more about how long you need to pre-heat the Instant Pot, you should learn more about the process itself.

Pre-heating the Instant Pot is simply a process used to prepare your pot for cooking food in advance. Even though there is a setting for all sorts of different things on an Instant Pot, there still isn’t one which is meant specifically for preheating. This is why you’ll need to do this manually. Fortunately, there are multiple different ways you can do this.

Once you figure how to use any of these methods, all that’s left is to figure how much time you need to preheat. The recommended time for most dishes is 10-15 minutes, although this isn’t necessarily accurate. For example, properly preheating to prepare frozen can take almost 20-25 minutes. How long it actually takes to preheat is entirely dependent upon the contents inside of the pot.

An Instant Pot filled with many contents will take longer to preheat as compared to another pot with lesser contents. This means that you’ll have to adjust your preheat time depending upon how many ingredients you’re trying to prepare in the pot. As mentioned, the recommended time for most foods is about 10 to 15 minutes. However, it is recommended that you use your browser to look up the exact recommended preheat time for the specific dish that you’re trying to prepare. Keep in mind that preheat times are also affected by your Instant Pot, as a faulty pot won’t serve you as fast and good as a new one.


There’s no exact preheat time and it all entirely depends on the meal you’re trying to prepare, as mentioned in the article above. This isn’t a problem though. You can easily learn about the exact time you need to preheat your Instant Pot for specific meals by using your browser. Simply look up the meal you’re trying to cook and try to find out more about the recommended preheat time for said meal. You’ll know exactly how long to preheat your Instant Pot if you do so.

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