Instant Pot 6 qt vs 8 qt- Which One to Buy?

instant pot 6 qt vs 8 qt
instant pot 6 qt vs 8 qt

Instant Pot is the life-saver for people who are skeptical about those dated pressure cookers (we know that we are!). This is the prime reason that advanced pressure cookers have become an essential part of every kitchen out there. Instant Pot has released a wide range of models in different sizes to ensure it fits the needs of every individual and family.

When it comes down to choosing the right size of Instant Pot, one needs to make an informed decision. In this article, we have added the details about a certain size and how to choose the correct one!

Instant Pot: 6 qt vs 8 qt

6 qt Instant Pot

If you have to cook a batch of food for one or two people, this size will be the most suitable one out there. In addition, 6 qt is perfect for cooking up the medium or large spaghetti squash or the whole chicken. The 6 qt Pot is suitable for a family of four that can take care of basic cooking. For instance, it is suitable to make soups, steel-cut the oats, and hard boil the eggs.

Some people have been cooking shredded chicken in this size because it has enough space to fit an entire chicken. However, if you have to cook food more than one whole chicken, you need to upgrade the size!

8 qt Instant Pot

If you have to feed more than four people, the 8 qt Pot will be a fine option. This Pot is perfect for every working person who has to cook batches of food that lasts the entire week. Instant Pot has a huge footprint, which signals more space. However, this size of Instant Pot will take more time to create pressure. But again, you can cook more food in it.

How To Choose The Right Instant Pot Size

While shopping for the Instant Pot, you need to consider multiple factors because it helps make an informed choice, such as;

Family Size

For people who need to cook food for two to four people, using the 6 qt will be suitable. On the other hand, if you have a huge family to feed, 8qt is the ultimate solution. Also, 8qt size is suitable to cook food for parties and gatherings.


The Instant Pots are designed as a pressure cooker, but they haven’t limited themselves with pressure-cooking. That’s to say because Instant Pot is extremely versatile. For instance, one can even make yogurt in Instant Pots because they have a special Yogurt Smart Program. In addition, there are standard programs for sautéing, steaming, cooking, slow cooking, cooking rice, and many more.

Some models have a sterilized program, so you can clean the baby bottles and utensils. With the automatic altitude adjustment, pressure in the cooker can be automatically adjusted according to the sea level, so that your food cooks up perfectly. Basically, you need to choose the Instant Pot that has all the features that you need and can cater to the amount of food that you want to cook!