Can You Cook Cucumbers Like Zucchini?

Can You Cook Cucumbers Like Zucchini?
Can You Cook Cucumbers Like Zucchini?

Most of us enjoy cucumbers in salads, sandwiches, and for tzatziki but here in the West we tend to limit their uses.

Cucumbers are versatile vegetables and it turns out that, yes, you can cook them like zucchini and in a few other ways too!

Some interesting ways of using cucumbers that you may already be familiar with is to use them to make pickles and add them to tequila.

Maybe you have a big crop to harvest from your vegetable garden or have picked up a bunch for a good price at the farmer’s market. Read on to find out how to use cucumbers in cooked dishes.

Can You Cook Cucumbers Like Zucchini?

Yes, cucumbers can be cooked and many cultures enjoy them this way. In Vietnam, Korea, Thailand, and India, you will experience regional dishes that incorporate this fresh-tasting vegetable.

They use them successfully in soups, stir-fries, and even curries.

How To Cook Cucumbers Successfully

Whatever recipe you have planned for your cucumbers, it is always best to remove the seeds first. This will reduce the amount of water released into the dish and will ensure no unappetizing-looking seeds are floating around in the dish.

First, peel the cucumber. This is easily done with a regular potato peeler. To remove the seeds, simply cut the cucumber in half lengthways and scrape the seeds out with a teaspoon.

Then, make crescent shapes by cutting the flesh crossways into one-centimeter-thick slices.

raw bacon with cucumbers

Another way to reduce the amount of water that is released is to salt the cucumber slices before cooking them. This will pull out all the excess moisture and ensure your finished dish isn’t watery.

When salting, put the cucumber slices into a colander over the sink so that the water can drain away. Remember to rinse the salt off before you use them, then pat the cucumber slices dry with a clean kitchen towel before cooking.

Cucumbers can become mushy if they are cooked. Prevent this by cooking them fast over high heat in a small amount of oil. A wok is excellent for this. Cook them for about the same amount of time as you would courgettes.

You can also use cooked cucumbers to make delicious, creamy soups. See our recipe at the end for a silken cucumber and avocado soup.

What Do Cucumbers Taste Like When Cooked?

Those of you who are used to eating cucumbers cold and raw might understandably be a little wary about what they’d taste like when cooked.

cucumber crudties

They keep their mild, sweet flavor but become tender rather than crunchy, rather like the texture of mushrooms.

We highly recommend them for stir-fries because their flavor pairs remarkably well with soy sauce, ginger, garlic, and sesame seeds.

Which Are the Best Cucumbers for Cooking?

While traditional English cucumbers can be cooked, Persian ones are far better simply because they have fewer seeds. Also, they are firmer and less watery.

It is not necessary to remove their seeds before use, simply peel then slice or dice them. Mini cucumbers of the size used for pickling can be cooked too and also do not require deseeding.

Recipe for Creamy Cucumber Soup

To get you started, here’s a creamy yet refreshing summer soup recipe that is bound to become a favorite. Its beautiful pale green color looks lovely in a white bowl on a summer lunch table.


  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 1 white onion, finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • 3 cups peeled, seeded, diced cucumbers. Reserve a few slices for garnish
  • 1 ½ cups chicken stock
  • Salt and black pepper to taste
  • 1 ripe avocado, chopped
  • Handful of Italian parsley. Reserve a little for decoration
  • ½ cup full-fat plain yogurt

ways to cook cucumbers


  1. Use a medium-sized pot. Heat the oil over a medium flame.
  2. Add the onion and garlic. Stir until translucent and soft.
  3. Add lemon then the cucumber and stock.
  4. Bring to a boil, turn the heat down and simmer until the cucumber is soft. This will take about ten minutes.
  5. Use a stick blender to puree the soup with the avocado and parsley.
  6. Taste and add seasoning if necessary.
  7. Serve with a swirl of yogurt and some cucumber and parsley to garnish.
  8. Serve warm or chilled.

To Conclude

Cucumbers can certainly be cooked and they are delicious. Once you get your head around the idea, you are bound to enjoy them. Remember, we cook celery too!

Categories Cooking