Why Is Golden Monkey Tea So Expensive? (4 Reasons)

Why Is Golden Monkey Tea So Expensive?
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Why Is Golden Monkey Tea So Expensive?

If you are a tea person, we are sure that you have a specific flavor profile that you like. For the same reason, different brands are coming out with a wide variety of tea flavors, but nothing can beat Golden Monkey Tea. However, this best tea comes at an expensive price, and if you are wondering why its price is so high, we are sharing everything you must know about it!

Why Is Golden Monkey Tea So Expensive?

1. Challenging Processing

Golden Monkey Tea is also known as the Jin Hou tea, and it is a black tea with a full-bodied configuration. The tea is extracted from Fujian, China, which is 3000 feet above sea level. In fact, this tea is considered one of the most delicious and the finest black teas out there. The tea is known for its hairy and golden tips and mesmerizing leaf shapes. It is widely associated with monkey claws because of its specific leaf shape.

Every spring season, the loose tea has to be hand-processed, and every tea leaf is carefully picked. Even more, every single bud is plucked out with extreme accuracy as compared to other tea that doesn’t have such stringent processing methods. All in all, the higher concentration of lead buds and tips makes this black tea one of the most expensive black teas out there.

2. Premium Flavor

To begin with, Golden Monkey Tea provides a malty aroma and has a light honey taste when it comes down to the sweetness as compared to regular black teas with a bitter taste. However, as the tea cools down, the flavors will start opening up, which results in a variety of flavor notes, including walnut, apples, and cocoa. In addition, this tea has spice notes which mix up pretty well with a savory and sweet aroma.

On top of everything, it has a hint of smoke with a smooth and delicate mouthfeel while offering a rich texture to the tea. The best thing about this tea is that the buds are only plucked when they reach the full stage before the leaves open. This is because the buds tend to have more sugar at this stage. As a result, the tea will be sweeter and won’t lead to a bitter flavor in the tea. Not to forget, the tannin content is pretty low. All of these flavor and taste factors result in the premium flavor, hence the high price.

3. Specific Farmers

When it comes down to plucking the tea leaves and buds, the company has a special contract with which only experienced farmers are allowed to harvest the tea. These farmers make it a point to pluck the tip only, and this method is derived to make sure the tea has the finest parts, resulting in delicious and aromatic tea. In particular, the tea plant is dormant during the winter season, which means the antioxidants and nutrients will be pushed through the first leaf to its sprout during the spring season.

Having said that, the tea leaves won’t only be delicious; they will be full of nutrients as well. Also, you might not know this, but these components of the tea give it a golden hue at the tip of its leaves. All of this is possible by highly trained and professional farmers because they work with the goal of plucking the finest tea leaves and ensuring the golden tip is grasped on time.

4. Health Benefits

Another reason behind the high price is the immense amount of health benefits in Golden Monkey Tea. To illustrate, the leaf tips are packed with nutrients, which makes them healthy tea. First of all, it has quercetin, which is a great way of reducing the chances of tumor development, and it helps reduce the chances of heart failure as well. In addition, it has a high magnesium content which helps optimize the blood flow and helps with bone development.

As far as the caffeine level is concerned, it’s more concentrated as compared to other black teas available in the market. Consequently, it will result in a reduction in drowsiness and laziness while improving focus.

To summarize, Golden Monkey Tea is one of the most delicious black teas out there, and that has led to the high price. Not to forget, this black tea is carefully harvested and creates premium flavor and texture. All in all, this black tea is totally worth the high price.

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