Why Does Pressure Cooker Come With Bakelite Handle?

Why Do Pressure Cookers Come With Bakelite Handles
Why Do Pressure Cookers Come With Bakelite Handles

Pressure cookers are designed to work in a similar fashion; by trapping steam and high heat, which then causes food to cook faster compared to other traditional cooking methods. Although all pressure cookers rely on the same mechanism to operate, they are each designed differently, using an array of materials. For instance, the main unit and the lid of one pressure cooker may be made from stainless steel while another is made from aluminum. Most pressure cooker handles are also made from plastic and while a few are made from some metallic components.

Why Do Pressure Cookers Come With Bakelite Handles?

Why are pressure cookers made from plastic rather than metal?

In general, most pressure cooker handles are made from a type of plastic material that is referred to as Bakelite. Bakelite is a special material that is used for its ability to resist heat. Unlike metal, which is an excellent conductor of heat, Bakelite does not conduct heat well, which makes it the perfect material for creating pressure cooker handles.

Bakelite is a hard material that is created when rubber and sulfur are mixed together. Aside from being used for pressure cooker handles, it is also used commonly for electrical appliances because it is also a great electrical insulator. Although Bakelite material can withstand temperatures of about 150 to 160-degree centigrade, it is not recommended that you put them in an oven as exposure to heat long periods of heat can make the handles soft.

Because Bakelite handles are good at resisting heat and are great electric insulators, it allows pressure cooker users to remove the cooker from the heat source without burning themselves. Bakelite, which is a thermosetting plastic, is also very lightweight, which helps to keep the overall weight of the pressure cooker down.

Bakelite is generally a cheaper material to use compared to metal. However, please note that not all pressure cooker handles are designed using Bakelite material. Some handles are made using tiny metallic components, while others are designed using a mixture of nylon and glass fiber. Aside from making handles for pressure cookers, Bakelite material is also used commonly when designing telephone casings, certain kitchenware, toys, knobs, as well as some jewelry.

Why do regular pots and pans use metallic handles instead?

Regular pans and pots that are generally used inside an oven usually have metallic handles instead of Bakelite ones. If the pressure cooker, which contains its own internal heating source, was to be placed inside an oven, the handles and other components would get damaged. Furthermore, most new generation pressure cookers are electric, which means that they should never be placed inside an oven as they could potentially be a safety hazard.

Stovetop pressure cookers that are usually placed on an open heat source or stovetop, must be monitored at all times so that manual adjustments can be made to the pressure and temperature settings. For this to be done properly, the handles must be easy to handle without burning the user. If your pressure cooker handles are damaged, they can easily be replaced using Bakelite handles that are sold separately in many kitchenware stores.