4 Solutions For Whirlpool Oven Touchpad Not Working

Whirlpool Oven Touchpad Not Working
Whirlpool Oven Touchpad Not Working

Ovens, whether electrical or gas, are an integral part of every kitchen now. There are very few recipes that do not require the use of an oven. Without this appliance in your kitchen, you can only do the bare minimum.

Of course, if you love cooking and baking, you cannot even let a day go by without an oven in your kitchen. These appliances usually last for years and require very little maintenance but a good amount of regular cleaning so that they continue to function well.

Smart ovens are the new “in” appliance in the market. Every cook wants one so that they can elevate their overall cooking and baking experience. This of course makes your kitchen look like it came right off a home improvement/ lifestyle magazine cover.

Whirlpool has the best quality appliances that you can get out there in the market. With that being said, they are the best with kitchen appliances as well. They allow you to get the best experience of using the appliance. They really know how to make user-centric products.

Whirlpool values the experience of its customers over all other factors. Not only are their appliances highly durable that will last you for years without causing you any major troubles or inconveniences, but they are also pretty great when it comes to looks.

Whirlpool appliances are aesthetically pleasing to the eyes. They can make even the most basic kitchen look like it is state of the art. These appliances are the perfect mix of design and technology.

Whirlpool has recently launched a new series of ovens that are high-end when it comes to technology and they allow you to experience the top level of convenience.

Some of these newer ovens come with a touchscreen. This gives a sophisticated touch to the oven and makes them quite easy to use. However, touchscreens can at times develop certain issues and stop working. There are certain tips and techniques that you can opt for to fix this issue.

Whirlpool Oven Touchpad Not Working

The Best Solutions

  1. Power Cycle

Oven timer

Power Cycle might be the oldest trick in the book of troubleshooting, but it works wondrously most of the time. With that being said, the power cycle can help you out of many tight corners when it comes to electrical and smart appliances.

Many people think that this tip is a fluke and it does not work every time with every appliance. But we firmly believe that even appliances need a break.

If you are having some problem with the touch screen on your whirlpool oven, you should start with running a power cycle on it once to get rid of the problem for good. To do that, you will have to take off the plug from the electric socket for a minute and then plug it right back in.

This trick can work for most appliances that show similar touch panel issues.

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This will restart the oven and all the components on it including the touch screen and you will be able to make sure that the touch screen is responding without causing you any further issues like hanging up for no reason. A simple restart can only do good for your appliance.

Technical gadgets can develop minor and temporary glitches, which can go away with a power cycle.

  1. Control Lock

These smart devices come with a lot of innovative features and a control lock is one of them. The control lock is there to protect the screen from being touched by accident and causing any commands to be processed by mistake.

If the lock is enabled, you will not be able to use the touchscreen on your oven. So, you will need to check on the lock and make sure that the lock is disabled. That will help you get rid of the issue.

Oven ventilaton

So, you will need to keep an eye on the control lock, and disabling them will help you to get rid of all such issues that you are getting with the control lock. This is a basic issue and can be easily handled by taking a closer look at your appliance.

This is a simple step that can be carried out by the user right away.

  1. Update the Mobile App

Mobile application compatibility is another innovative feature that you get on these whirlpool smart ovens that come with a touchscreen on them.

So, if you are getting any such problems with the touch screen not working it might be some issue with the mobile application or due to configuration between the mobile application and your oven.

Woman using phone in kitchen

When you face any such problems with the touch screen not working, you will need to uninstall the application from the mobile phone once and clear all the application data as well. After that, you will need to restart the mobile once and then download the latest version of the application again.

This will solve any application-related glitch that there might be. Once the application is downloaded again, you will have to connect it with the oven again and then configure it with the oven.

That will help you in ensuring that your smart oven and the phone application for the oven are on the same page. This usually happens with smartwatch apps too when they go out of sync or the application is at an older version.

  1. Contact Support

Lastly, if you are unable to figure out the problem. You will not be able to troubleshoot the touchscreen on your own. You will need to contact one of the Whirlpool technicians for support. That will help you in making sure that you get all the problems reliably fixed with the touch screen.

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This way, you will be able to get the right assistance without taking any unnecessary risks and keep the warranty on your whirlpool oven intact as well. If you tamper with the oven needlessly and on your own, you might accidentally do something that can nullify the warranty for your oven.

1 thought on “4 Solutions For Whirlpool Oven Touchpad Not Working”

  1. Very helpful info missvickie. What about the inlet unit to the Whirlpool Toploader. Specifically, Speed Queen. Its not letting water in.

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