12 Ways To Fix Whirlpool Microwave Door Error

Whirlpool Microwave Door Error
Whirlpool Microwave Door Error

Whirlpool is the preferred choice among people who want to buy household equipment because they have a variety of appliances available.

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that Whirlpool has one of the most diverse selections of microwaves available in the market right now.

However, one of the problems that people have been facing with their Whirlpool microwaves is the repeated door error. That’s something you absolutely want to avoid at all costs, and it can get a bit frustrating.

In this article, we’re going to talk about the most effective ways to fix the issue if your Whirlpool microwave continues to give a door error.

How to Fix Whirlpool Microwave Door Error?

Now, if your microwave continues to cause this problem, here are some of the fixes that you can try.

1. Time

Whenever the door error appears on the display screen of your Whirlpool microwave, you need to consider how long you have kept the microwave door closed.

Closed door time

This is because if you keep the microwave’s door closed for around five minutes or more than five minutes without starting the microwave, it can cause an error.

For this reason, you need to open and close the microwave’s door once or twice before you start heating up your food, especially if it’s been closed for longer periods.

This is actually quite thoughtful on the company’s part, as it prevents any needless switching on and ensures that the oven remains safe to use.

2. Dirt

We are all guilty of not cleaning the microwave regularly, which results in dirt or dust buildup. In particular, if there’s an excessive amount of dirt and grime near the contacts of the door, it will show the door error.

Because the door won’t close properly, the microwave will eventually stop working. Now that you know this, you have to inspect the contact area of the microwave’s door and clean up any dirt and grime that’s built around the door contacts.

Make sure that you remove the power cable of the microwave so that you can clean without having to worry about electrical consumption or accidental activation.

Secondly, if there are food spills in the microwave, they should be cleaned up immediately because when the microwave is switched on, the spills will absorb the heat and create a hotspot. These can then eventually result in a door error showing up too.

3. Packing Material

You must check for any left-behind packing material if you have just bought the Whirlpool microwave. For the most part, people often forget to take off the packing material from the inside, especially around the areas around the door contacts.

However, if the packing material keeps interfering with the microwave door’s closure, you must remove it. When the packing material is removed, the door will shut properly, and the door error will vanish.

In addition to the packing material, make sure that nothing else is blocking the door lock.

4. Microwave Placement

Microwave placement

Some people might not agree with this point, but the microwave’s placement matters greatly when you have to fix the door error. To illustrate, you have to place the microwave on a leveled and flat surface to ensure there is no imbalance.

In addition, placing the microwave on a flat surface will ensure that there’s no issue with the angle at which the door closes. If it’s not on a level surface, there’s a risk that the hinges might not connect properly.

If there is any blockage in the components that control the door’s opening or closing, it will result in the door error.

For the most part, people install the microwave in the cooking rack, but it can hinder the closure and operation of the microwave door. So, just fix this positioning issue to ensure the door is not blocked.

5. Improper Closure

Close microwave door

Before you go all technical with the microwave to fix the door error, we suggest that you check the door’s closure. Some people just don’t close the door properly, which causes the microwave to return an error.

That being said, you have to open the microwave door and close it firmly. When the door is firmly closed, you will hear a firm clicking noise.

6. Switch

You have to consider the door switch whenever the door error occurs with the Whirlpool microwave. The door switch simply sends a signal to the control interface once the contacts connect with each other.

In addition, there are chances that the switch is making contact, but incorrectly. There’s also the risk that your door switch is malfunctioning, which means you’ll have to replace it.

Unfortunately, that’s not something that you can do yourself, so it’s best if you take the appliance to a repair technician.

7. Door Latch

When it comes down to the door error, you need to consider every component associated with the door, and the door latch is one of them. If the door is hanging loose or just won’t close firmly, it is because the door latch has worn out or is damaged.

To fix this issue, you have to replace the door latch and make sure it’s compatible with the microwave model.

Door latch

For the most part, experts suggest that users change the door latches after specific intervals (usually a couple of years) to make sure the latches keep working.

There are latch sets available for a few dollars, so purchase a full set of door latches to save the hassle.

8. Exhaust Systems

The exhaust fan in a microwave isn’t as effective as the one found on stove hoods, but it will help clear the door error. In most cases, the users don’t switch on the exhaust during cooking, which leads to the emergence of moisture from pots and pans.

This moisture development can damage the microwave and wear out the contacts much quicker, causing the door error. Make sure you keep the microwave in a well-ventilated area to avoid this problem.

Exhaust system

9. Grease Filters

The grease filters are installed on the bottom side of the microwave and are usually overlooked. These grease filters capture any additional grease from your microwave, which results in debris development.

This will result in inefficient functionality of the grease filters and lead to a door error.

Fortunately, it is easy to clean the grease filters but don’t forget to wear gloves because washing off the grease from your hands won’t be easy. For cleaning the grease filters, you can submerge them in warm water and anti-fouling detergent.

However, you can also clean them in your dishwasher but make sure if it’s allowed by the manufacturer. On the other hand, if the grease filters don’t fit in properly, you may want to consider replacing them.

10. Handle Properly

The power switches will deactivate the microwave oven when the microwave door is opened three to four times. When the door closes, the controls need to line up with the latches to ensure the microwave oven is working optimally.

However, the latches and door switches are plastic and can chip pretty easily. So, when the latches and switches are broken, it will lead to a door error, and only a replacement can solve the issue.

Microwave switch

In addition to getting them replaced, you need to make sure that you avoid banging the door heavily, as that could cause a repeat of the problem.

11. Don’t Use Metals

Metals in the microwave don’t go well, as they can irradiate metals, and heating metal plates and utensils in the microwave will lead to arcing.

So, when the material comes in contact with the interior side of the microwave, the arcing is likely to make a hole in the wall cavity, leading to a door error and severe damage.

For this reason, you should keep metal plates and utensils away from the microwave oven.

Metal kitchenware

12. Microwave’s Temperature

The Whirlpool microwave shows a door error when it is overheated in various cases. Generally, it happens with older models because the internal components become weaker over time.

On a concluding note, you should always have a technician fix the microwave if you have to repair and replace the components. This is because microwaves are generally sensitive appliances that contain a variety of delicate components.

If you’re not careful, you might end up causing permanent damage to the appliance.