What Is Uncured Pastrami? (Answered)

what is uncured pastrami
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what is uncured pastrami

Consumption of processed meat has grown in popularity and it seems like uncured meats are also gaining popularity. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that uncured pastrami is one of the most preferred choices of everyone who likes meat.

The prime reason behind its popularity is that uncured pastrami is healthier because it doesn’t have a high salt content that’s used during the curing process. However, there is still so much more to know about it and we have all the information on uncured pastrami!

What Is Uncured Pastrami?

Uncured pastrami is basically the pastrami that hasn’t been exposed to the curing method. For this reason, it is considered a healthier choice. The uncured pastrami is usually designed with the label, “no nitrites or nitrates added except the ones naturally in celery juice or powder.” The uncured pastrami uses natural curing agents, including celery powder. The celery powder is known to convert into nitrite when it’s processed. The primary function of celery powder is to create the color and make pastrami more stable.

When it comes down to the popularity of uncured pastrami, it is because the cured meat has been marketed as treated meat. It is common for people to think that cured pastrami has gone through a process that infuses unwanted ingredients, which makes the meat harmful for human consumption. On the other hand, uncured pastrami shows that it’s not treated and doesn’t have any harmful ingredients. The uncured pastrami is highly likely to be paler as compared to cured pastrami (curing adds complex color and flavor to the meat).

Uncured pastrami doesn’t have the additives and chemicals that are used for curing the meat. In particular, uncured pastrami depends on natural flavorings and salt for preservation. It is said that uncured pastrami is made without the inculcation of saltpeter (sodium nitrate) or sodium nitrite, which is also known as pink salt. Both these compounds are used for commercial-level meat curing and are known for preserving the meat. In addition, it tends to add pink color to the meat.

Some uncured pastrami packets also have ingredients listed on the back, and they usually include celery powder, water, honey, vinegar, and kosher salt, along with some ingredients of pastrami. Honestly, these ingredients are also used in the curing process, which is why everyone has been questioning the authenticity and health factor of uncured pastrami.

On the other hand, we need to remember that uncured pastrami does have celery powder which results in the generation of nitrates, but it doesn’t create a dramatic change in the color. This is because the complex flavor and color are developed when there is a high dose of nitrite and nitrate added to the pastrami. Having said that, even if uncured pastrami has some celery, it’s used in powdered form and lower concentration, making it healthier when compared to cured pastrami.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that uncured pastrami is considered healthier compared to cured pastrami, particularly of the lower concentration of ingredients used in it.

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