Can You Put Water In Crock Pot? (Answered)

water in crock pot
water in crock pot

Are you confused about pouring water in Crock pot? How long have you been using a crock pot? Do you know the basics of using crock pot? What quantity of water in crock pot is ideal? Should you be even filling your crock pot with water or not?

These usually are the questions that start swirling in one’s mind when you see the title. Such questions have been asked by every beginner or even most intermediate crockpot users. Here in this article, we will try to answer all of your crock pot-related questions. Read on to learn more about water in crock pot.

Crock Pot

For those of you who don’t know, crock pot is generally called a slow cooker. It is basically a countertop cooking pot that works on electricity. Its function is to simmer the cooking materials at a lower temperature.

A crockpot, or you can say slow cooker, cooks your food slowly but properly. It can even take around 5 to 10 hours if you’re cooking on relatively low heat. But the food will be thoroughly cooked for sure. This is because the crockpot uses low temperature for cooking. The temperature doesn’t even reach the boiling point.

Can You Put Water In Crock Pot?

The question we have been asked most is “Should I put water in crock pot?” Is it necessary to use Water while cooking in Crock pot? Do I need to fill my crock pot with water? Well, to answer this question of yours, we’re going to take some leverage of the recipe you’re following.

Does the recipe that you’ve following say you should put water in crock pot? If yes, then sure, go ahead and add the required amount of water in the pot. If the recipe doesn’t mention water to be poured in the crock pot then simply don’t do it.

Why Don’t We Add Water In Crock Pot?

Besides following the recipe, usually, water is not added when you are cooking something in Crock pot. Why is it so? The reason is very simple. Generally, when you’re cooking a food item, you must have observed that it releases water when added into the pan. Whether you talk about meat, vegetables, or chicken, all these items tend to absorb water when they’re being washed, and later on flames, they release water due to heat.

So, when cooking something in a crock pot, you use low to medium flame to cook foods. This way, the food item gets s slow constant heat and releases all of its absorbed water into the pot. This water gets turned into stean which helps to cook food properly. This is why pouring additional water in crock pot is not necessary.


What you need to do is just follow your recipe properly. Add water in Crock pot if you must, otherwise, you can do absolutely fine even without water. Make sure to preheat the crock pot a little before putting the food inside