Teak vs Bamboo Cutting Board: Which One Is Better?

teak vs bamboo cutting board
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teak vs bamboo cutting board

Cutting boards are a much more important part of the kitchen than one might think at first. These handy little tools are as simple as it gets, but at the same time they’re very important. Cutting meat, vegetables, and any other thing up requires a strong solid surface.

Cutting boards provide this. However, if that was all that’s required, we wouldn’t even need cutting boards in the first place since you could just use counters or table tops for that. There are other aspects to take into account too, and these are exactly what help users choose the best possible board for their kitchen.

Every material has its own pros and cons when it comes to this, as some are great in some aspects while being better in others. That’s why not just any solid material can be used for cutting boards.

It has to be something specific, such as teal or bamboo, two of the most commonly used cutting board materials. If you’re looking to choose between teak and bamboo cutting boards but don’t know which one is the preferable option, use our comparison below to find out.

Teak vs Bamboo Cutting Board


Starting off the comparison with a less important but noticeable difference between the two, appearance is something that not many will care for, but some others might.

When you’re adding something new to your kitchen, you’d like it to be as visually appealing as possible so that you enjoy using it.

The first of the two, teak, is a material known especially for its natural beauty. It has a nice wooden look to it with natural patters all over it, unless these have been painted over.

As for bamboo, it’s appearance is one that many are likely familiar with. The material looks great when used for furniture and other things. The same can be said for its application in cutting boards too, since much like teak it has a natural appearance which easily fits into most kitchens, providing them with a traditional feel.

However, in terms of overall beauty, teak definitely has the advantage. At least that’s the case in the eyes of most, although it does come down to personal preference too.


Durability is something that’s very important for all cutting boards, mainly because of the use that they’re intended for. Cutting boards are used in a rough manner almost every single day.

They come into constant contact with knives and other hard things which can cause some serious damage unless the materials are durable enough. Teak is a type of hardwood that doesn’t falter too easily, staying strong despite being treated harshly.

The density allows it to stay in shape without any scratching or scarring. It doesn’t damage the knives too much either, which is a big bonus.

On the other hand, bamboo technically isn’t a wooden cutting board at all. It is an entirely different material than usual, and it’s one that’s a lot more durable than a majority of the other options. Bamboo is very sturdy and hard to the touch, with even the sharpest of knives not being able to cause any damage to it.

It completely outshines the teak in this regard. However, while this hardness does ensure a long and healthy life for the cutting board, it doesn’t do the same for the knives being used. They can easily be damaged or dulled because of it, so keep this in mind.

Maintenance and Cleaning

The last aspect is one that both of these materials are actually similar in, at least to some extent. They both are very easy to keep clean, only requiring just a little bit of water poured onto them and a cloth to wipe it all off.

That’s enough to make them look as good as new sometimes. But in other maintenance related departments, they’re a little different. Teak usually doesn’t provide any problems at all when it comes to this, however you do need to take special care of bamboo.

While it’s very durable and resistant against force, dropping it or hitting it with an equally hard material will sometimes break it.

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