Convert Stove Top To Slow Cooker
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Stove Top and Slow Cooker Converter

Everybody loves a homecooked meal on the stove. But sometimes, life is too rushed and tossing everything into a slow cooker to get nice and tasty over a few hours is just easier. And what’s more, you can do this for a ton of recipes, including comforting dishes like beef stew or staples like chicken and rice.
But how do your measurements change when you switch from the stove to the slow cooker, or vice versa? Our pressure cooking and slow cooker converter takes care of those calculations for you!
Steps To Use The Stove Top and Slow Cooker Converter
- Find The Correct Converter

Grab your recipe and identify whether it was made to be cooked on the stove top or in the slow cooker. This makes a difference because stove top recipes cook faster, so any liquids used don’t have as much time to soak or evaporate.
Slow cooker recipes are cooked over the course of hours, so you have to account for that when measuring ingredients. Once you’ve figured that out, select the converter that fits your needs. For recipes made for the stove top, but you want to use the slow cooker, use the “CONVERT STOVE TOP TO SLOW COOKER” converter.
- Tell The Converter Your Liquid Quantity

Now that you have the right converter, go to the top bar where it reads “Original Water Volume of Stove Top” and input the amount of liquid in your recipe.
This could be water, broth, milk, oil, or any other cooking liquid. Then go down to the second bar and indicate whether it is measured in Cups, Milliliters, or Liters.
After that, in the third bar, type in the amount of cooking time the recipe calls for on the stove, and click on the correct time measurement below that.
- Tap On Convert To Get Results

If all your quantities are filled in, go ahead and hit “CONVERT.” This will prompt the converter to calculate your new measurements. Here is a sample of the responses you might get:
Example Conversion:
- How does 2.5 cups of liquid on stove top for 25 minutes convert to a slow cooker?
Example Output:
- New Water Volume for Slow Cooker:
- 3.25 cup (Slow Cooker on Low)
- 3.00 cup (Slow Cooker on High)
- New Cooking Time for Slow Cooker:
- 1 hour and 40.00 minutes (Slow Cooker on Low)
- 1 hour and 15.00 minutes (Slow Cooker on High)