Should You Peel Potatoes Before Boiling? (A Brief Guide)

should you peel potatoes before boiling
should you peel potatoes before boiling

When it comes down to commonly used and consumed food items, it’s safe to say potatoes are one of them. They are extremely versatile and complement a variety of recipes with perfection. However, with different cooking methods out there, many people consider, “should you peel potatoes before boiling?” This is mostly because people don’t have much information about the outcomes of boiling potatoes with and without peeling. So, let’s find out more details!

Should You Peel Potatoes Before Boiling?

Whether you should peel the potatoes and cut them before boiling or not depends on which potato types you are using. In addition, it depends on the recipe that you are trying to cook. For this reason, you can leave the potatoes’ skin on until they are boiled, but it doesn’t take away the fact that potatoes need to be properly washed up. Now, it’s quite evident that peel or not-to-peel depends on different factors, so let’s check out the information in detail!

Proper Washing

Before we start dwelling on cutting and peeling potatoes, it’s essential to wash the potatoes properly. This is because potatoes grow in the ground, which is why they need to be cleaned up. We suggest that you use a soft brush or sponge to clean away the debris and dirt, and make sure that you are using cold water. However, make sure that you don’t apply excessive pressure because it can scrape away the skin.

Should You Peel The Potatoes Or Not?

Coming to the hot topic – should you peel the potatoes before boiling or not? To begin with, it will be easier and quicker to boil potatoes that are cut down into smaller pieces. This is because when the potatoes are cooked, their internal moisture will be enhanced with temperature, which results in faster cooking and softening of the potatoes. That being said, it’s better to cut the potatoes before you cook them, especially if you want to get them done quickly.

As far as the peeling is concerned, if you are boiling the starchy potato types, such as russets, it’s suggested that you boil the potatoes without peeling off the skin or cutting them. However, it’s evident that it will take longer to cook the unpeeled potatoes. The best thing about leaving the skin intact is that it works as a protective layer for the potato. On the other hand, if the potatoes are peeled and cut, there won’t be any barrier, and you might end up with a watery mess.

In case you are concerned about peeling the potatoes after they are boiled, the skin can be easily removed and cut out. On the other hand, if you are boiling waxy potatoes such as red potatoes and fingerling potatoes, it’s best to cut them before they are boiled. This is because these potato varieties have a low starch content and won’t absorb much water. As for peeling, it’s best to leave the skin on, irrespective of which potato variety you are boiling.

Some Additional Details

  • If you are concerned about cutting the potatoes before cooking and for how long you can cook them, it depends on the size of pieces you are cooking and how they will be stored before they are put on the stovetop. For instance, the diced potatoes will be subjected to waterlogging, which is why you can only cut them an hour before they need to be cooked. On the contrary, when you have cut the bigger parts of potatoes, they should be fine for eight hours
  • If you have already boiled potatoes and are considering how long you can keep peeled potatoes submerged in water, it’s fine for around 24 hours. However, make sure that the potatoes are stored in the covered bowl and put into the refrigerator
  • When it comes down to boiling, we suggest that you use the less starchy varieties of potatoes. This is because potatoes with high starch content are likely to absorb more water. For this reason, it’s suggested to boil the fingerling potatoes and red potatoes as they have a waxy texture and low starch content
  • It is suggested to use the low heating temperature for boiling the potatoes. Also, before you peel them, it’s best to let them air-dry because it crusts up the skin, resulting in easier peeling
Categories Cooking