3 Solutions For Reverse Osmosis Water Cloudy Issue Troubleshooting

reverse osmosis water cloudy
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reverse osmosis water cloudy

Reverse osmosis most commonly known as RO is a water purification process. It uses a semi-permeable membrane to filter out all the unwanted large particles and molecules of the water.

The best thing about reverse osmosis is that it will not only clear out all the different impurities but will also clear out the sediments such as chlorine, salt, and dirt from the water. RO water is considered to be the safest and fit for drinking, after filtration, or cleaning through the other methods.

Reverse osmosis is a bit expensive to get, but it is the perfect choice to be having. That is why most filtration companies recommend RO filters to help you to get the water cleaned properly. Reverse osmosis will clear the water of impurities and you can get the perfect clarity and texture of the water too.

However, at times you might be facing the issue with RO water appearing to be cloudy. If that is the case, here are a few common reasons that can turn the RO water to be cloudy, and how you can fix it.

Reverse Osmosis Cloudy Water

1. Air Trapped in the system

The most common reason for one to be having cloudy water coming out of their RO system is due to some air trapped inside the system. The air bubbles can be trapped in the membrane housing or any other place inside the reverse osmosis system that you are using. With that, you will be getting cloudier water when you turn the tap on.

To figure out if it is the air trapped in the system that is causing you to have cloudy water, there is a simple solution that will clear out things for you. You will need to pour the water into a glass and let the glass sit for a minute or two. After a minute of water sitting in the glass, the air should be cleared out, and cloudiness will be gone from the water. That is an indicator that the cloudiness that you are dealing with is due to the air being trapped.

The best part about cloudiness due to the air being trapped inside the RO system is that it is totally safe. So, if you figure out that the water is getting cloudy due to the air being trapped in the system, the water is fit for consumption. However, RO water is not recommended for long-term usage for humans.

2. Unfiltered Water

Most people think that reverse osmosis is the best thing that you can get to clean the water, but that is not true. Reverse osmosis doesn’t clean 100% impurities, and that is something you will need to be careful about. That is why, if you are processing unfiltered water through the RO plant, there can be a number of problems that you will have to deal with. That includes having cloudy water out of your RO system.

That is why, if you are facing any such problems, it would be better for you to ensure that you are using filtered water to be cleaned through the reverse osmosis process. That will eliminate most of the impurities and you can get clear water without having any further problems with the cloudiness on it.

3. Membrane Worn Out

The membrane on the reverse osmosis plant is not something that will keep going on for life and you will have to get it changed every once in a while, to make sure that the RO system is working at its full capacity. That is why, if you are getting cloudy water out of your RO system, you will need to have the membrane checked with an authorized tech who will be able to check and see if the membrane has worn out.

If that is the case, you will need to make sure that you are getting the membrane replaced with a new one and that should be allowing you to enjoy the perfect utility and clear water out of your RO plant. The membrane replacement is done periodically, and you will need to follow the schedule incorrect manner if you don’t want to deal with problems like cloudy water.

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