Pulled Pork Per Person and Portion Calculator

How much pulled pork needed?

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Pulled Pork Per Person and Portion Calculator

Pulled Pork Per Person and Portion Calculator
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Pulled Pork Per Person and Portion Calculator

Calculate in an instant how much pulled pork you need per person, or how many people your current amount of pulled pork can feed. It’s a really helpful tool and what’s even better is that it’s easy to use!

Using The Pulled Pork Per Person and Portion Calculator

  1. Pick A Calculator

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One of these options (NUMBER OF GUESTS) allows users to calculate how much pulled pork they need depending on the number of people being fed the meal.

The second option (PULLED PORK FEEDING) lets users calculate how many people a specific amount of pulled pork can comfortably feed. Click on either to pick them if you think one or the other sounds better.

  1. Input The Right Things

input people eating pulled pork
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You just need to enter a number of guests for the first calculator option and that’s all there is to it.

As for the second option, you will have to choose between pounds, ounces, grams, and cups. Then you add a number depending on the amount of pulled pork you have. It’s super simple in both cases and will always be accurate despite the value. Here’s an example of what its calculations are like:

Example Input:

  • How much pulled pork per person?

Example Output:

  • 1 person needs approximately:
  • 0.75 pounds of raw pork to yield
  •  0.38 pounds of cooked pulled pork

Example Input:

  • How much pulled pork for 50 people?

Example Output:

  • 50 people need approximately:
  • 37.50 pounds of raw pork to yield
  • 18.75 pounds of cooked pulled pork
  1. Click Calculate

pulled pork calculated
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No matter which one of the two calculators you’re using, there’s only one step to take now after you add the numbers to the calculator. That step is to click the calculate button, after which our tool will give you a completely answer!

Here are a couple of other examples about both calculation options:

Example Input:

  • How much pulled pork for 20 people?

Example Output:

  • 20 people need approximately:
  • 15.00 pounds of raw pork to yield
  • 7.50 pounds of cooked pulled pork

Example Input:

  • How many people will 6 cups of raw pulled pork feed?

Example Output:

  • 6 cups of raw pork feeds approximately:4.00 people
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