3 Best Substitutes For Pommery Mustard

pommery mustard substitutes
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pommery mustard substitutes

Not many people out there are fans of mustard. But I believe it is a hidden treasure not many have discovered. Whether you make whole grain mustard at home or buy the famous Pommery mustard, you will have a nice meal ready for an episode of your favorite Netflix show.

Pommery mustard is an easy way to utilize the benefits and taste of mustard. Pommery is whole grain mustard that comes in a white crock and is sealed by red wax. As it is imported from France, Pommery mustard may be hard to find at times, so we have jotted down some Pommery mustard substitutes.

The taste is outstanding and intense. The vinegar and mustard add to the vinegary and spicy taste. All these flavors combine to form mild and refined mustard. The ingredients include vinegar, salt, mustard seeds, salt, and water.

These are the simplest items of our kitchen. However, a secret recipe that has been guarded by the Pommery family for centuries is used to manufacture this delicious treat. Chefs like to use this whole grain mustard in roasts and sauces.

The health benefits of mustard make it a must use in our daily routine. It reduces the growth of cancer cells. Mustard fastens up the metabolism and digestive process. Furthermore, it helps reduce blood pressure and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

Pommery Mustard Substitutes

1) Homemade whole grain mustard

There are many manufacturers of whole grain mustard, like Pommery. However, nothing can match the taste and nutrition of a homemade one. Whole grain mustard is actually a condiment in which the mustard seeds are blended partially. As the name implies, the grains are whole and visible in the paste. 

Since the whole grain mustard is produced from fresh mustard seeds, so its taste is fresh when made at home. The thing with making whole grain mustard is the ability to play around with ingredients to make your own version. The energy benefits i.e., of fiber, protein, and fat are taken advantage of when they are fresh and not from mustard placed on the shelf for months.

You can use different types of mustard seeds while making whole grain mustard at home. Yellow, brown, and black, any would work. Yellow ones are mild, the rest two are spicier. The recipe of whole grain is easier to work with, so you can start the learning curve from here.

The ingredients you need are yellow and brown mustard seeds, honey, salt, and vinegar. Soak the seeds in vinegar overnights. Blend the seeds and the rest of the ingredients until you have achieved the desired consistency.

2) Stone-ground mustard

Brown mustard seeds are hotter than other normally used varieties. These seeds make whole grain mustard as well as stone-ground mustard. The stone ground can be a great alternative to Pommery mustard. It has a coarse texture just like whole grain and Pommery. This condiment uses a stone mill to grind.

 It is used as a topping in meat and cheese sandwiches and various sausages. You can enhance the flavor of mayonnaise and hollandaise sauce made at home. Furthermore, you can add it to salads and dark bread. In short, you will have a great experience with this mustard if you do not have the Pommery mustard.

3) Mustard powder

This type is made by a combination of powdered brown and white mustard seeds. This powder is mixed with saffron and turmeric. You should add cold water to the mustard powder to elevate its taste and smell. To further enhance the flavor, add honey, vinegar, and garlic powder. A teaspoon of powder would be sufficient to replace a tablespoon of freshly made mustard.

Mustard is a tasty and nutty item that is good for a mid-day snack. Pommery has made its name in the whole grain mustard market. However, its unavailability may cause problems. You can try out whole grain mustard from any other company or make one by using a homemade recipe.

The flavor and taste can be replicated using whole grain mustard mainly. However, other alternatives like stone ground mustard can do the trick too. The main idea is to have grains in the paste to enjoy the seeds while eating. Enjoy it as a spread or eat with a spoon, it’s your choice.

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