6 Best Pear Nectar Substitute That You Need To Try Out

Pear Nectar Substitute
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Pear Nectar Substitute

Pear nectar is one of the most delicious beverages that you can try, especially if you like not-too-sweet beverages. It is made by pureeing the meat of ripe pears, adding sugar, and rounding the flavor with citric acid or lemon. The puree is also thinned with water until it achieves the drinking consistency. However, if you want to enjoy pear nectar on its own or add it to some dessert, we are sharing some substitutes that you can try if you cannot find it!

Pear Nectar Substitute

  1. Pear Juice

One of the most promising substitutes is pear juice, especially the one that’s made from 100% pure pulp because it has the most authentic flavor. The pear juice is readily available at grocery stores and can be used to add sweetness to desserts and flavoring cocktails. The pear juice has a thicker texture, which is why you can use it on waffles or pancakes. However, you need to remember that pear juice has added sugars but is a great source of vitamin C. Last but not least, it’s recommended that you purchase canned pear juice because the boxed juice only has artificial flavoring.

  1. Peach Nectar

The second option that you can try is peach nectar. There are no preservatives or added sugars in peach nectar, making it an apt choice for preparing baby purees and smoothies. It is loaded with antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins (it’s apt for people following the weight loss journey). It is a great immunity booster with high vitamin A and vitamin C levels. Given all these healthy nutrients, it can be used to flavor healthy smoothies. In addition to peach nectar, you can also use canned peach juice but keep in mind that canned peach juice has added sugar, which makes it sweeter as compared to nectar.

  1. Apricot Nectar

Apricot nectar is another option that you can try to replace pear nectar. It has an abundance of vitamin A and vitamin C as well as fiber, which makes it a healthy choice. The texture of apricot nectar is similar to pear nectar, which is why you can use it in recipes where texture is important. The best thing about apricot nectar is that its texture blends well with other ingredients. In addition to apricot nectar, you can also opt for dried apricot puree, which is extremely convenient to use. To use the dried apricots, make sure you cook them for thirty minutes to make them soft and blend them with water to achieve the right consistency.

  1. Strawberry Nectar

Strawberry nectar is one of the most delicious nectars out there that offers a combination of tangy, sweet, and light flavors. It is loaded with phytonutrients and potassium, making it suitable for smoothies and flavoring cocktails. However, strawberry nectar can be a bit tangy for some people, which is why it’s recommended that you add some sugar, maple syrup, or honey to the nectar.

  1. Applesauce

As the name suggests, applesauce is made from apples (the whole apples are used, including the apple skin, which leads to a higher antioxidant level). It has great health benefits as it helps reduce the chances of cancer, heart issues, and diabetes. The best thing about using applesauce is that the apples have a similar flavor to pears, which is why it can be used in beverages as well as food recipes. What’s best about applesauce is that it tastes amazing in savory dishes and goes well with pork. In addition, applesauce can be used as a meat tenderizer when added to the marinades.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has a bright flavor and it’s similar to pears as well as apples, which makes it a reasonable alternative to pear nectar. The apple cider vinegar can be used to flavor the salad dressing as it goes well with other ingredients of the salad. The best thing about apple cider vinegar is that it adds sharp flavor to the food and lifts up the taste of every dish it’s added to.

The bottom line is that it’s hard to find an option that taste exactly like pear nectar except for pear juice. So, it’s best that you try the options mentioned in this article because their flavor is quite similar to pears.

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