6 Common NuWave Pressure Cooker Problems (Troubleshooting)

NUWAVE pressure cooker problems
NUWAVE pressure cooker problems

NuWave pressure cookers have become pretty popular over the course of time. NuWave pressure cookers are designed to deliver effective cooking performance. The programmed pressure cookers are designed with pre-programmed cooking functions, hence ease of cooking. With this article, we are sharing the common problems and fixes!

NuWave Common Pressure Cooker Problems:

1. Lid Doesn’t Close

If the lid doesn’t close down, how are you going to use the pressure cooking feature? In case the NuWave pressure cooker has difficulty opening the lid, it’s due to the incorrect placement of the silicone gasket. For this purpose, you must take out the silicone gasket and insert it again; ensure that you place the gasket properly. Secondly, the lid may not close down if the floater valve is blocking the pushrod. However, it’s not a serious issue since you can simply push in the floater valve correctly.

2. Lid Doesn’t Open

Imagine the food is cooked but you are unable to savor it because the lid doesn’t open up; that’s a bummer. Basically, it happens when there is pressure buildup in the pressure cooker. For resolving this issue, you need to push the steam release valve to the venting position and the pressure will be released. As a result, the lid will open up. If the lid is still not opening, it’s highly likely that the floater valve is not falling down properly. With this being said, users must push down the floater valve in the correct position.

3. Steam/Gas Escaping From The Lid

When the steam or gas starts escaping from the lid, the only culprit is the gasket. There are two scenarios with the gasket; it might be damaged or it might be dirty. Likewise, you need to take out the silicone gasket and clean it up. If there are physical damages or cracks on the gasket, you must replace it with a new one. Lastly, you must insert the silicone gasket properly and make sure the lid is properly sealed or closed down.

4. Steam/Gas Escaping From The Floater Valve

The floater valve is essential for the NuWave pressure cooker to work because it’s inserted into the lid. When the steam or gas starts escaping from the floater valve, it’s because the food or debris is stuck to the sealing circle of the floater valve. However, the NuWave pressure cooker has an anti-clog filter but it can be clogged as well. So, you must clean the filter or replace it. On the other hand, this issue can occur even when the sealing circle of the floater valve is broken. For this purpose, you will need to take out the floater valve and replace this sealing circle.

5. Floater Valve Won’t Raise

The floater valve raises up when the pressure has been built in the pressure cooker. To illustrate, the pressure cooker might not have ample water or ingredients in the pressure cooker to build pressure. For this purpose, you need to open the lid and add water or ingredient to the minimum level. In addition, if the gas leaks from the pressure release valve or the lid, it is a manufacturing or hardware issue which needs to be fixed by the company itself.

6. Pressure Doesn’t Build Up

With the NuWave pressure cooker, the pressure buildup issue occurs when the lid is not properly sealed or locked. For this purpose, you need to remove the lid and try sealing it again. The users must hold the lid and turn it in the clockwise direction. As a result, the LED panel on the pressure cooker will switch on and the safety feature will be switched on. Also, the pressure will start building up properly.

Error Codes

There are various error codes with the NuWave pressure cooker. In the section below, we have listed down the error codes and how they can be fixed;

  • E1 – this error code is because of the broken sensor in the circuit
  • E2 – this error code is because of the short circuit
  • E3 – this error code is because of the overheating issue
  • E4 – this error code is because of the broken signal switch

The overheating issue can be resolved by cutting off the power source and letting the pressure cooker cool down. For all other error codes, you must call customer support at NuWave. If the call number isn’t available, they can be reached out at [email protected].