4 Common Ninja Slow Cooker Problems (Troubleshooting)

ninja slow cooker problems
ninja slow cooker problems

SharkNinja is a brand that’s been long for a considerable amount of time. It was first founded back in 1993 and was known by an entirely different name for a lot of time, up until very recently.

Most might be familiar with the name Euro-Pro Operating LLC which is what the brand was previously known as, but in 2015 this name was changed to SharkNinja. The brand is known for manufacturing and retailing all manner of different home appliances which have unique uses of their own. It’s also known for its subsidiaries.

One of these is Shark, and the other one is Ninja. We’re going to be focusing on the latter today, specifically the slow cookers that they offer. The company focuses on many kitchen appliances, and their slow cookers are one of their many specialities.

While they are usually not so tricky to manage, there are occasional Ninja slow cooker problems which one might have to face every now and then. Here’s our list that mentions some of these in detail so that users such as yourself are prepared to face and solve them whenever they might occur.

Common Ninja Slow Cooker Problems

  1. Slow Cooker Makes Hissing Sound

There are some users who might hear a loud hissing sound coming from their Ninja slow cooker at times. This is something that can be annoying to hear, and something which can sometimes be serious if not treated right away.

While slight hissing is sometimes expected in pressure cookers because of the way that they function, loud hissing that goes on for too long while food is being prepared inside of the cooker is often something that needs to be addressed immediately.

This is likely a result of there being a small gap between the cap and the sealing ring. The rubber sealing ring can sometimes be misplaced causing gaps such as these and needs to be adjusted immediately for it to stop.

Stop any ongoing processes within the cooker and remove all food inside of it. Inspect the cap and rubber sealing ring to identify as well as solve any issues with them. Then just leave the cooker be for a little while before trying to use it once again to check if there’s still some hissing.

  1. Food Keeps Burning

Many users have complained about specific Ninja slow cookers burning their foods again and again even when they perfectly follow the recipe for the meal they’re making. This is something that your specific model of the appliance is to blame for. Some of these have temperature settings which aren’t exactly the most accessible, with even the lowest setting being too hot at time.

This makes it so that food inside burns regularly unless monitored attentively. The only solution is to keep checking up on things and adjusting recipes according to the very high temperatures of some Ninja slow cookers if yours keeps burning food.

  1. Display Says “Water”

The display on Ninja slow cooker is used to provide users with information of what’s going on with the appliance, and also provide them with any information regarding errors related to it. These errors are usually signalled through error codes, but sometimes the screen just says “water”. This is an error too in a sense. It is simply the Ninja slow cooker asking users to add more water, as the current amount is too low.

  1. Cooker Smells Bad

There are some cases of users reporting that their cooker smells bad/strange before usage sometimes. This is something that’s understandable in appliances such as these which are used to store food for so long, but it’s also something that’s easily avoidable. All users need to do to make sure this doesn’t happen again is washing the cooker thoroughly each time after they’re done using it.

Secondly, make sure that you clean inside of the tight spots down below too. Food can sometimes start getting stuck in components of the appliance which makes this smell stick for a really long time and can even ruin the Ninja slow cooker entirely, so make sure to watch out for this.