8 Quick Steps To Resolve Miele Coffee Machine Stuck In Descale Mode

Miele Coffee Machine Stuck in Descale Mode
Miele Coffee Machine Stuck in Descale Mode

A Miele Coffee machine is one of the best ways to enjoy the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. The coffee machines have various options that accommodate different tastes. They have a large container for coffee beans and an auxiliary chute for ground coffee.

This makes it possible to use decaf coffee or do trial batches of your coffee. However, if your Miele coffee machine is stuck in descale mode, you can try the following solutions.

Fixing Miele Coffee Machine Stuck in Descale Mode

If your Miele coffee machine is stuck in descale mode, you might be wondering what to do to fix it. Here are some troubleshooting steps to eliminate the problem.

You can call Miele customer support to get assistance if they don’t work out for you. They will be able to find a solution to the problem and get your machine back on track.

  1. Reset

Sometimes, the descaling process gets skipped or carried out too quickly, which makes the coffee machine stuck in the descaling mode. If you have a Miele coffee maker that is stuck in the descaling phase, you can perform a reset to get it working again.

To do this, switch off the machine and turn it back on after 15-20 minutes. By doing so, you’ll be able to get rid of configuration errors. Once the descaling mode is removed, you can use the coffee machine as normal.

  1. The Coffee Machine’s Door

If your Miele coffee machine is stuck in descale mode, try resetting it. This will stop the blinking light and put your machine in standby mode.

Woman making fresh espresso in coffee maker

An improperly closed door can also cause your coffee machine to activate the descaling mode, so if your Miele Coffee Machine is stuck in descale mode, you can fix it by following a few easy steps.

In this case, open and close the door properly. The descaling process takes a few minutes to complete, and you should be able to brew a great cup of coffee again.

  1. The Button

If you notice your coffee machine is stuck in the descale mode, you may want to try holding down the descale button for at least seven seconds. This will disable the descale function. The button will then be steady and stop blinking. If it continues blinking, the machine is stuck in the descale mode.

  1. Temperature Dial

Close-up coffee machine control panel

If you are having trouble brewing your favorite coffee, the temperature dial on your Miele coffee machine may be stuck in descale mode. To fix this, you can follow a few steps. First, open the slider, which will take your machine to standby mode.

This process should take around 20 minutes but keep in mind that you need to open the slider for at least half a minute!

  1. Brew Unit

Your Miele coffee machine may be stuck in descale mode, but you can fix this by following a few simple steps. If you’re brewing coffee regularly, the brew unit can become dirty and build up scrap, which can cause the machine to be stuck in descale mode.

Espresso machine cups coffee

The first step is to check for any blockages. If there is one, remove it and clean it as instructed in your manual. This should clear out any leftover scraps blocking the dispensing mechanism. Next, check if the brew unit is properly positioned in the coffee machine.

If the brew unit is not positioned correctly, this will restrict the movement of various parts of the machine and result in the machine being stuck in descale mode. If this does not solve the problem, remove the brew unit and re-insert it.

  1. Air Buildup

Another common problem with coffee machines is air buildup. By turning the steam selection counter-clockwise, you’ll be able to remove any buildup. In addition, tap the hot water button to turn the steam selection anticlockwise and clear the air once the hot water has run for some time. The coffee machine should now work properly.

  1. Call a Professional

Worried man in white t-shirt talking on phone holding cup of tea in kitchen

If the machine is still stuck in descale mode, you might want to consider calling a professional. Ideally, you should avoid tampering with the machine on your own, and let an expert handle it. There’s a risk that you might end up causing more damage if you tamper with it yourself.

  1. Contact The Customer Support

If you have a Miele Coffee machine and it has stuck in descale mode, you should contact the company’s support team. They will be able to help you resolve the problem. They can also provide some useful information. They’ll be able to advise you on the best course of action to take.


One of the greatest advantages of using a Miele coffee machine is the quality of the drink. Whether you choose an entry-level or a high-end machine, you will have exceptional, hassle-free and beautiful coffee. Even the low-end machines don’t require any expert knowledge or preparation.

Miele coffee machine in Berlin

However, these machines are susceptible to many problems, and a stucked descale mode is one of them. By following the guide as mentioned above, you can take care of all the problems related to descale mode.