9 Best Indian Butter Substitutes You Can Try

Indian Butter Substitute
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Indian Butter Substitute

Indian butter is basically ghee and is commonly used in India for the preparation of authentic Indian cuisine. However, it is not considered a very healthy addition to the recipes and isn’t suitable for people who have lactose intolerance or are following a vegan diet. So, if you are looking for an alternative, we are sharing the Indian butter substitute!

Indian Butter Substitutes

  1. Sunflower Oil

In case you are looking for an affordable and easy-to-use alternative to Indian ghee, you can opt for sunflower oil. It is a great choice for deep-frying since it has a higher smoking point (it is around 450 degrees Fahrenheit. The best thing about the high smoking point is that the nutrients won’t escape from the food. You can opt for a 1:1 substitution ratio but make sure to reduce the moisture content by cutting down other ingredients. In case you are concerned about the flavor, it’s slightly nutty but will not overpower your recipe.

  1. Canola Oil

The canola oil has a smoking point similar to Indian butter/ghee, which means you won’t have to change your cooking patterns and the nutrients will be retained. However, since it has a liquid-y texture, it’s recommended that you add three parts of canola oil in place of four parts of Indian butter. On top of everything, it doesn’t have a flavor of its own but it’s probably a good thing as Indian recipes have a lot of flavor of their own.

  1. Sesame Oil 

Ranging from easier accessibility to a great flavor, it’s a great substitute for Indian butter and the flavor becomes pronounced during cooking. It has a nutty and strong flavor, which comes from sesame seeds. However, it’s recommended that you follow a 3:4 substitution ratio to replace Indian butter. In particular, it’s suggested that you use toasted sesame oil as it tastes better and has a higher smoking point.

  1. Coconut Oil 

To begin with, coconut oil might be a bit expensive but it’s worth the flavor. It’s needless to say that the flavor won’t as the same as other substitutes but the mild coconut flavor will complement the Indian spices and ingredients. It has a mild nuttiness of coconut that blends with other ingredients in the recipe. On top of everything, coconut has a slightly thicker texture, which means you can start with a 1:1 substitution ratio.

  1. Soybean Oil

Soybean is one of the most delicious alternatives to Indian butter. Surprisingly, it doesn’t have a very strong flavor, but once other ingredients and spices are added, the flavor becomes delicious. In fact, the texture of soybean oil is amazing, which is why its consistency is one reason you can use Indian butter. However, it’s best to stick with a 3:4 substitution ratio because a 1:1 substitution ratio will make the recipe extra moist.

  1. Olive Oil

This is one of the healthiest alternatives for Indian butter and has a nutty flavor. There are actually different varieties of olive oil available in the market and some of them have citrus and peppery flavor notes. Still, the flavor of olive oil doesn’t interfere with the flavor of the recipe, instead, enhances it. Keep in mind that olive oil isn’t very cheap but it’s definitely healthier.

  1. Rapeseed Oil

This is one of the most versatile forms of oil that you can use to replace Indian butter. It has a nutty aftertaste but it’s still very mild. It has an array of unsaturated fats as well as vitamin E.

  1. Vegetable Oil 

This is one of the most commonly used oils in kitchens and is readily available in grocery stores. It has a neutral flavor and it’s actually difficult to predict the flavor. That’s because this oil is made to be a combination of extracts of fruits, grains, seeds, and nuts. Having said that, if you want to add moisture to the recipe without adding Indian butter, vegetable oil is a reliable choice.

  1. Clarified Butter 

Last but not least, you can also use clarified butter to replace Indian butter but it’s obviously not suitable if you want to cut down the consumption of dietary fats. Clarified butter is recommended if you want to deep-fry the ingredients. Also, clarified butter is easy to find in supermarkets!

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