How To Perfectly Flip An Omlette (5 Tips I Wish I Knew Sooner)

how to perfectly flip an omlette
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how to perfectly flip an omlette

We all have some things that we first try to make so we can learn how to cook. A bunch of people start off with simple stuff, like making an omelet! That’s exactly what I did! Or… at least one of the first things I tried to do. If you didn’t guess already, it didn’t exactly go well.

But, that’s not something I was disheartened by, and you shouldn’t be either if your omelets aren’t turning out the way you want right now! Something I struggled with a lot was flipping the omelet without making a mess with it. Even more than that, I struggled with knowing what the perfect time to flip it was. If you’re on the same boat I was and need a hand, today’s post is all about helping you out!

How to Flip Your Omlette Perfectly?

Whenever you try to make an omelet, you usually end up burning it from one side because you didn’t know when to flip it, or end up undercooking one side because of the same reason? That, or you end up breaking the whole thing apart because you weren’t able to flip it right, and now it’s a scrambled mess?

That’s something most people go through when they first cook things like omelets, and some people struggle with it even after months or years of experience. But, I have a few pointers that should help you avoid this from now on, and make sure that you flip omelets better than you’ve ever flipped them before!

The First Things You Should Know

Let’s start with a few basic things that I want you to know about making omelets and flipping them, so we can avoid any mishaps:

  1. Never Pour Eggs Into Hot Oil

hot oil
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Lots of people wait for the oil to heat up before putting eggs inside, mostly because that’s what some recipes might tell you to do. Well, I’m here to tell you that you shouldn’t ever do that. Pouring eggs in hot oil immediately will burn them and ruin their shape, which isn’t something that anyone wants. This can cause issues when you’re flipping the omelet because of overcooking, and because the shape is all weird.

  1. Use Non-Stick Pans

non stick pan for omlette
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This is something that most people should already be doing. But, for those that aren’t, I want to say that you should avoid using sticky pans for your omelets. The reason really couldn’t be any simpler. Sticky pans are going to make the omelet stick (duh), and that’s going to make it really difficult for you to flip it properly. That’s not an issue with non-stick though, and it makes the job much easier for you.

  1. Don’t Use Too Much Oil

too much oil omlette
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This tip is pretty straightforward. Don’t use too much oil while making omelets. It can make them burn, cook them uneven, and it’s plain unhealthy. You should always stick to a low but perfectly spread amount. That’ll make the omelet cook evenly, it will be easier to flip without breaking the shape.

Making The Perfect Omelet

The easiest way to tell you how to perfectly flip an omelet is to walk you through the whole process. So, I’ll walk you through a quick and tasty omelet recipe of mine so that it’s easier to understand.

  1. Chop Up Vegetables

chopped vegetables
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Start by chopping up the vegetables you want inside your omelet. I add 1 tablespoon each of chopped onions and chopped tomatoes in my omelet, but you can add more or less, as well as other vegetables if you would prefer to.

  1. Add Eggs and Salt

add salt to omlette
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Break two eggs and put them together in a bowl with the vegetables you chopped up. Then, sprinkle some salt on top, depending on your taste. You can also add other spices if you would like to, but this is just a simple recipe I’m using as an example so I’m keeping things to their basics.

  1. Beat The Mixture

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Now that your ingredients are all in one bowl, start beating them with a fork or a whisk. Either of these two are usually the best options to get the job done, since they make sure that the egg is a perfect texture for your omelet.

  1. Start Cooking

start cooking omlette
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If you’re done beating the mixture and it’s ready for cooking, evenly dump it all across a deep non-stick pan. Make sure that it is even and the shape stays circle while you pour it. Then, switch the stove to low heat and let the omelet cook for 2-3 minutes with a cover on top of the pan.

  1. Flip The Egg

flip the omlette
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Now that 2-3 minutes have passed by and the egg was on low heat, it’s your cue to flip the omelet. This is the best time to do it, since the bottom side won’t be overcooked or undercooked, and you can let the other side cook for now instead. Once flipped, let the other side cook for about 2 minutes, and your omelet will be done, easy as that!

How To Flip It Properly

What I already said should help you with the “when” part of flipping an omelet, but now let’s talk about our “how”. That’s pretty easy too. You know that you should only give it 2-3 minutes on low flame for one side to cook. So, when that much time passes, hold the pan with one hand, and gently place your spatula beneath the egg with your other hand.

But, don’t go all the way underneath immediately. Place your spatula underneath, and then slowly make your way towards the center. If you try to go straight to the center in a hurry, that will break the omelet and ruin its shape. Taking it slow will give you a better idea of whether or not the omelet is strong enough for you to flip. If it does feel strong enough, start making your way to the center and scoop it all up with the spatula.

Then, carefully but quickly toss it on its other side. Taking too long will potentially ruin the omelet and its shape too, so make sure that you don’t spend too much time on it.

The Bottom Line

Everything I’ve said so far should help you figure out how to flip an omelet, and when to do it. But, make sure to remind yourself that you won’t achieve perfection immediately. It’ll take you a couple of test runs, and that’s completely fine. Practice always makes perfect, and it’s okay if you need a few tries to get it the way you want.

As for anything else, maybe a video demonstration might suit you better. If that’s the case, there’s a whole video about this topic on our YouTube channel which you can take a look at to get a practical example of how I do it!

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