How to Get Melted Plastic Off Electric Stove? (4 Quick Fixes)

how to get melted plastic off electric stove
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how to get melted plastic off electric stove

Electric stoves are such a great blessing as they are not only the safest method to cook, but also have great utility in terms of better heating options, more advanced features, and of course are more eco-friendly as well. Yet, there are certain things that you will need to keep in mind, and electric stoves tend to be a bit more fragile than the traditional stoves that you have out there and that is why demand a bit of extra care as well. Similarly, at times you might have some plastic stuck on the electric stove if you put some plastic pan on it.

There are a number of things that you will need to be careful about and certainly, the plastic on the stove is something you would never want to have. If you are facing the same problem, you will need to ensure that you clean the stove properly. A few ways that are going to help you out are:

How to Get Melted Plastic Off Electric Stove?

1. Rub it with a Damp Cloth

If the plastic is not too much and has not been there for some time, it would be perfect to turn off your stove until it fully cools down and then you can rub the stove gently with a damp cloth. The moisture on the cloth will cause the plastic to get away from the stove surface and that would be just the perfect thing for you to ensure that you are able to get rid of the plastic that is stuck at your electric stove.

Be mindful to gently rub it as rubbing it faster or applying force can cause the stove to get some scratches and that is certainly something you wouldn’t want to have on your stove.

2. Lukewarm Water

Another thing that you can try out if the plastic is getting too stubborn and refuses to leave the surface is to pour some lukewarm water on it. The heat of the water will be the best thing to get the plastic off the surface of your electric stove and that will certainly be ensuring that you don’t have to face any such problems afterward.

Let the water sit a while on the surface of your electric stove and then rub it with a soft and damp cloth. That will help you to get rid of some of the most stubborn plastic fragments as well that might be stuck on your electric stove and you will be able to get the same shiny finish on your electric stove back that you might have been seeking.

3. Ethanol

Ethanol is another cleaner that you can try to use on such surfaces. To do that, it would be better if you heat up the electric stove just a little bit, so the plastic gets softened up, but you don’t need to heat it too much for the surface to become untouchable for you. Afterward, you can use any ethanol-based cleaner that is safe for the kitchen and rub it on the plastic that is stuck on the electric stove surface.

The ethanol has high volatility that can cause the plastic to easily be removed from the surface of your electric stove and that will certainly be ensuring that you don’t have to face any sort of inconveniences with it and enjoy the shiny electric stove surface as you would like to have all over again.

4. Top Replacement

Lastly, if the plastic is too stubborn and would refuse to leave even if you have tried all of the solutions above, it would be best for you to get the top of your electric stove replaced with a new one. For that, it is always recommended and the best choice for you to get the top replaced by the OEM as they know what’s best for your electric stove, and not only that, but it will also be keeping your warranty intact on top of getting you the peace of mind that your electric stove is safe to be used for any applications that you might have on your mind for it. The glass top on electric stoves is pretty easy to be replaced and sometimes the best solution for you is to get rid of plastic remaining on the surface.

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