5 Things To Check If Watermelon Is Green Inside

green watermelon inside
green watermelon inside

Watermelon is one of the most refreshing summer fruits and is a great way of hydrating yourself on sunny days. It has a very sweet flavor and juicy texture, which makes it a perfect snack for people who like fruits and want to snack on something healthy.

Watermelons are actually very affordable and are readily available in grocery stores. However, if you have purchased the watermelon and it’s green inside, let’s see what it means and what can be done about it!

Why Is My Watermelon Green Inside?

Green Flesh In Watermelon – What Does It Mean?

Watermelon is known to have a red or deep pink flesh, which bursts with juice and sweet flavors.

However, if the watermelon has light green or white flesh, it means that the watermelon hasn’t ripened properly . In particular, the red color of the flesh is caused by lycopene.

Lycopene is a phytonutrient, which gives watermelon flesh its color. The higher level of lycopene in the flesh results in a darker color and it increases with time or as the fruit ripens.

In simpler words, the longer the watermelon is allowed to ripen, the more lycopene will be produced.

On the other hand, if the watermelon has a pale green or whitish flesh, it means that the watermelon was plucked earlier. It can take over 120 days to ripen the watermelon but it commonly reaches the full ripeness stage at 90 days.

The watermelons have to be planted in sunny locations, the soil should be well-drained, and the temperature should range between 70 degrees Fahrenheit and 90 degrees Fahrenheit (this information is for people who grow their own fruits).

Signs Of Bad Or Spoiled Watermelon

The pale green or white flesh of the watermelon doesn’t carry any health risks because it only has a lower lycopene level and is not rotten. However, such flesh won’t have any flavor and the texture will be too hard.

On the contrary, if you want to know what are the signs of spoiled or bad watermelon, we have outlined the factors that you need to consider;

  1. Taste & Smell

First of all, the watermelons are meant to be fresh and juicy. So, if you taste the melon and it has a sour flavor, it indicates that it has gone bad.

cut watermelon

That’s because the sugar in the watermelon has become sour. For this reason, you must smell the watermelon whenever you’ve to purchase it to determine its freshness.

It’s recommended that you purchase the watermelon with a sweet and pleasant aroma while watermelon with a sour and tangy smell should be avoided. In addition, if you already have purchased watermelons, you should discard such watermelons.

  1. Check The Sides

One of the easiest ways of determining the freshness of watermelon is to tap its sides. It’s recommended that you tap the watermelon and listen to the sound that it produces.

Ideally, the sound should be deep and hollow while the fuller sound indicates an unripe or spoiled watermelon.

On the other hand, if you tap the watermelon and it’s producing a dull sound, it means that the watermelon’s flesh is mushy and rotten.

  1. Mold

Another sign of rotten or bad watermelon is the presence of spots or mold on the rind.

mold watermelon

In addition, if there are some greenish-blue, white, or blue soggy patches, it means that the watermelon has gone bad. So, it’s best that you don’t consume such watermelon even if the flesh is red.

  1. Firmness

You have to check the resistance of the watermelon’s rind. For this purpose, you should scratch the rind and if the skin cuts through, it means that the melon is overripe or spoiled.

In most cases, it indicates a fungal infection in watermelon and should be replaced at all costs.

In addition to the firmness, make sure that the ring is bright green and there must be no soft spots. That’s because brown or discolored patches on the watermelon rind indicate internal rotting.

  1. Weight & Shape

Last but not least, you have to be careful about the weight and shape of the watermelon. A fresh and healthy watermelon must be round and the surface should be smooth.


So, if there are bumps on the watermelon ring, something’s off and it’s best that you don’t eat the watermelon.

In addition to this, make sure that the watermelon is heavy because heavyweight is caused by high fiber and water content. On the contrary, if the watermelon is too light to hold, it means there is low water content, and won’t be fresh to eat.

Storing The Watermelon

Watermelon has very tough skin, which means it can endure mishandling a bit. However, you still have to be careful about storage.

You can store the watermelon on the countertop but make sure it’s away from direct sunlight – it will help retain the flavor and nutrients.

In the case of an air-conditioned room, the fresh watermelon will remain fresh for one to two weeks. According to the experts, the watermelon should be stored at 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

You can also put the whole watermelon in the refrigerator for two to three weeks as refrigeration slows down the ripening.

  1. Storing The Cut Watermelon

If you have to slice and cut the watermelon, just put it in the refrigerator for an hour to chill it.

store watermelon

However, make sure you use an airtight container to store the cut-out watermelon or wrap it with a cling wrap to retain the juiciness and texture (you cannot store the cut watermelon for more than an hour or two).

  1. Storing The Watermelon Juice

The watermelon juice tastes the best when it’s cold. For this purpose, you can keep the watermelon juice refrigerated for over four days. However, it might separate the liquid but it can be fixed by shaking.

In case you want to store the watermelon for a longer time, you can freeze the watermelon and it will remain fresh for over one year.

For this purpose, we recommend that you cut out the smaller watermelon cubes, take out the seeds, and flash-freeze the pieces. Then, just transfer the cubes into the freezer bag!

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