Do You Put Oil When Cooking Bacon? 

do you put oil when cooking bacon
do you put oil when cooking bacon

Oil is arguably one of the most important things that you need to look towards while making a recipe. It will not only catalyze the overall process but also refine the flavor of your dish. So, if you’re looking for more control over the taste of your recipes, it would be better to do your research on different types of oil and their effect on a recipe. 

Most of the time beginners are confused about putting oil when cooking bacon. If you’re also in a similar situation and don’t know if you should use oil, let us help you with this topic. 

Do You Put Oil When Cooking Bacon? 

Unlike other food items, you don’t need to rely on any grease or oil to cook bacon. The primary reason behind this is that the bacon cooks perfectly on its own when fats melt around the strip. As long as you keep the heat low and let the fat to seat out, there won’t be any need to put in extra oil while cooking bacon. So, if you are confused about using oil then the answer is that the bacon will cook perfectly with its own fat and you won’t have to bother with additional oil. 

To cook bacon, you just need to put your pan on the stove and turn on the heat. Once the pan is sufficiently heated, add the bacon to the pan and then watch the fat sweat out as the bacon cooks to perfection. It shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes to cook bacon even if you’re looking for extra crispy strips. Most people just cook each side for around 4 minutes and that’s it. 

However, there might be some recipes out there that rely on the use of oil while cooking bacon. So, if your specific recipe demands bacon to be cooked in oil then there is no harm in using a little bit of olive oil to cook bacon. You will still get the same texture and the difference in flavor won’t be that substantial. 

All in all, it depends on the recipe you’re trying and the cooking style. The majority of people prefer to cook bacon without oil at low heat. But if you like your bacon to be cooked in oil, there is no harm in experimenting with different techniques. Just look towards the depth of flavor you’re aiming for with a particular recipe. 

To Conclude

You don’t need to put oil when cooking bacon unless your recipe demands it. Even though there are substantial effects of adding in a little bit of olive oil to the bacon, it cooks perfectly well with its own fat. So, you don’t have to add in any grease or other oil substitutes to oil up the pan. 

To cook bacon, you just have to heat up the pan and put the bacon in it at low heat for a few minutes. Once the fat starts to sweat out, you can turn up the heat to cook the bacon to perfection. Hopefully, it helps you better handle the bacon recipe. 

Categories Cooking