5 Steps To Make DIY Water Distiller Pressure Cooker At Home

diy water distiller pressure cooker
diy water distiller pressure cooker

Tired of buying expensive distilled water again and again? It’s time you give DIY water distiller pressure cooker a try. It is a nice easy way of getting water distilled at home. This can save you a lot of money as well as the time of going out and getting distilled water from a seller.

Give the following article a read to know all about the DIY water distiller pressure cooker method.

Water Purification Methods

Water can be purified using different methods and different techniques. But distillation is yet the best way possible to purify your water. Also, you should know that purified water us never recommended for drinking purposes. Using distilled water can deplete your body of all the essential nutrients.

However, there are a number of reasons that you would definitely need distilled water for. Most importantly, distilled water is used for cleaning purposes. Distilled water is free from any kind of impurities such as bacteria or other micro-organisms. It is the cleanest form of water.

DIY Water Distiller Pressure Cooker Method

As there are a number of different ways that you can distill your water but using a pressure cooker is the easiest one of them. By using a DIY water distiller pressure cooker method, you can easily get pure distilled water available at home anytime, every time.

The process is not that hard and only needs a few things. The best part is, it is very cost-effective. You just need a nice working large-sized pressure cooker, which is not really a hard thing to find in the market.

How To Make A DIY Water Distiller Pressure Cooker At Home

Making a water distiller using a pressure cooker at home is easy and very handy. If you have a large-sized pressure cooker at home that has a vent pipe on the lid, my friend you’re all set already. You can easily make an emergency water distiller out of it. Just follow these easy steps.

Step 1: Fill the two-thirds of your pressure with some seawater or whatever impure water that you want to clean.

Step 2: Now, get a vinyl plastic tube that should be the 3-foot length and have about 1/4-inch inside diameter. Fit it to the valve stem present on the top lid of your pressure cooker. 

Step 3: Now, attack a stainless or copper tube of approximately 10 feet in length over the vinyl tubing with the help of a clamp. This will cover the losing end of the hose tubing.

Step 4: Coil that copper tube so it will fit into the water container easily. This coil condensed the water quickly if the water is cool.

Step 5: Now, using a clamp, attach another piece of vinyl tubing to the second end of the copper tube that reaches the bottom of the bucket. Place the other end of the copper tube into a clean container where you want to collect fresh clean water.


This is how you can make a DIY Water Distiller Pressure Cooker at home. The hot steam of the cooker produces water vapors that cool down into pure water when reaching to the cool copper coils.