Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker Bowl Not Freezing (5 Fixes!)

Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker Bowl Not Freezing
Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker Bowl Not Freezing

Cuisinart is a brand that manufactures and sells kitchen appliances. It sells many items like kitchen appliances, cutlery, bakeware, and other kitchen gadgets as well.

Many of their appliances and gadgets are designed to simplify the processes around the kitchen and make things easier for people who like cooking.

The company manufactures blenders, air fryers, coffee makers, and ice cream makers when it comes to kitchen appliances.

Its ice cream maker is trendy because it allows you to mix as many ingredients as you want and develop an endless number of permutations and combinations. You can even add fruits into the process and turn ice-cream making into an amazing experience.

However, what if the ice cream maker bowl does not freeze? This could be a serious problem and throw a wrench into your plans to make your favorite ice cream.

If you like ice cream, you will definitely want to consider investing in the Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker. It allows you to make homemade ice cream with ingredients based on your likings and taste.

If you want to have ice cream while watching your favorite Netflix show or when you are coming home after a long day, you can throw in a few ingredients and whip up your favorite ice cream!

Ice cream not freezing?
Ice cream not freezing?

While making frozen dessert, it speeds up the process of freezing, which helps you have smoother ice cream with fewer crystals in it. It helps you add unique flavors to your ice cream.

You can control the quantity of sugar in the dessert if you do not want to gain calories. The Cuisinart ice cream maker is affordable, efficient, and easy to use.

It’s an excellent investment for people who like making their meals at home and want to cook ice cream but don’t like to eat the sugary mess sold in the markets.

The bowl wall contains liquid in it. Before making ice cream, you have to freeze the liquid by putting it in the freezer for around 24 hours. Before use, shake the bowl vigorously, and make sure that you don’t hear the sloshing noise from the liquid.

If your bowl is not freezing, it might be due to a malfunction or any other problem. Thankfully, we have a few reasons because of which your appliance might not be working properly. Here are a few simple ways to fix the bowl when it does not freeze properly.

Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker Bowl Not Freezing

1. Put the bowl at the back of the freezer

Put the bowl at the back of the freezer
Put the bowl at the back of the freezer

If you are facing this problem, put the bowl in the back of the freezer. It is the coolest place in the entire compartment. It would help freeze the liquid in the bowl wall due to the lower temperature there. 

This would be an effective option if you were keeping the bowl at the front of the freezer. In some cases, if you leave the freezer open, even a tiny crack, the air can escape, and that could prevent the bowl from freezing up properly.

2. Increase the temperature of your freezer

Increase the temperature of your freezer
Increase the temperature of your freezer

Turn down the thermostat and increase the cooling in the freezer. It will help freeze the liquid in less time. It may require extra energy but would do the trick. If you have kept the freezer on its maximum setting, it may not freeze properly.

It would be best to reduce the temperature as much as possible to ensure that the bowl starts freezing up quickly.

3. Freeze for extra time

Freeze for extra time
Freeze for extra time

If the tips mentioned above are not working, try placing it in the freezer for a longer period. Try by placing it over 48 hours. There can be so many factors that are not allowing the liquid to freeze, so this may work.

If all other things in your freezer are working fine and remain frozen, there’s no reason for which your bowl should not freeze. That is why you should keep it in the back of the freezer and leave it there for at least 48 hours.

This is bound to do the trick, and by the time you take out the bowl, it should have frozen over completely.

4. Do not use hot water

Do not use hot water
Do not use hot water

Although the manual allows you to use hot water, it’s better to use cold water or warm water for washing the bowl. Hot water can damage the bowl’s antifreeze property, which could make it more difficult to freeze properly.

It’s really not something you want because permanent damage to your bowl could prevent it from working properly.

5. Call customer care

We recommend calling the professional
We recommend calling the professional

You can get help by calling customer care, or you might call an expert who can inspect the appliance and fix it for you.

The Cuisinart ice cream maker is top-rated because it is user-friendly and affordable. However, these niggling issues may affect your experience with the device. It’s recommended that you try and fix the problem using the steps given above.

However, if none of these work, it might be a wise idea to take it to a professional. There are many local appliance repair technicians that you can search for to help you fix the appliance.

The bowl is just one of the several things within the appliance that are designed to work properly. If there is any other problem, such as an electrical issue, it’s highly recommended that you take it to a professional.

Do not dally as the problem is likely to get worse with time. If your appliance stops working altogether, it’s best if you apply for a warranty (provided you have coverage). If you don’t, get it professionally fixed by an expert.

These are just some things that you should know about fixing the problem with the bowl wall not freezing properly. Make sure you apply these fixes to resolve the problem, and if nothing works, take it to the appliance repair technician.