6 Steps For Cleaning Clams With Flour

cleaning clams with flour
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cleaning clams with flour

Weekends can be great for having a nice and lavish dinner, however, preparing your meal can be hard if it’s a clam that you want to cook. However, you can lean your clam with the help of flour.

What is a clam?

Clams, oysters, cockles, and scallops are all some of the most popular names for the shelled creatures you find bound to rocks. Sometimes they are also found in the sand just below the ground if you dig a little bit. These animals have two guarding shells to cover them up. These shells are also called valves and they fit into the other at the hinge end in a closing arrangement.

At one end there’s a socket and at the connected end of the other valve, there is a little knob. Both of these valves are connected by a rubbery joining material. It seems like a ligament naturally being springy and thick. These clams have muscles so strong because each muscle is attached to each shell holding the whole body.

Why is it Necessary to Clean Clam?

Clams are a type of organism that live sowed in sea sand and miss too. This is why there’s a high chance that a bit of sand is present in their bellies and shells when you take them out of their habitat. Just like some usual filters, clams also require time to let that salted water make the tiny grits sit properly before you make a recipe out of them. There’s a common recipe that clam makers follow.

This has been one of the most common practices for making clams. It involves sprinkling some cornmeal into the mix to assist in cleaning. Once we add, the clams will breathe and they will filter saltwater with the freshwater by pushing saltwater and sand out. Approx 20 minutes will be required to completely clean up the clams.

Cleaning Clams With Flour

Steps to clean clam?

  • Tap those clams which you see have open shells. Throw away those clams that do not close when you tap them because they are dead.
  • Also, throw away those clams that you see are cracked because damaged shells will allow the bacteria to enter.
  • Now, place your clams in a bowl along with water. Take out those clams that are floating. These are also dead.
  • Now soak the clams in saltwater by adding salt 100 grams with 3.8 liters of water for 30 minutes.
  • Now add 2 tablespoons of flour to the water with clams. It will assist them in cleaning the grit from the inside while you’ve put them to soak. The flour may change the taste a little bit and make them slightly grainy sort of.
  • Now take them out to scrub gently with a brush until all dirt is removed.

Hopefully, this blog helped you in finding out the right way of using flour to clean clam.

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