Canadian Pancakes vs American Pancakes: What’s The Difference?

canadian pancakes vs american pancakes
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canadian pancakes vs american pancakes

They’re right when they say that no breakfast is complete without a pancake. Pancakes are a traditional delicacy enjoyed all around the world Pancakes are more popularly consumed in America and Canada. So, where does the original recipe come from? America or Canada? Well, the answer is neither. It s believed that the original pancake recipe comes from Germany. Who would have thought?

What we call pancakes today, is actually the traditional German Pfannkuchen recipe that German immigrants brought along when they migrated to the USA. Pancakes or Pfannkuchen have been around since the 18th century. Isn’t that shocking to believe?

The ordinary pancake recipe is rich in starch. Made from flour, eggs, milk, some vanilla essence for the flavour and occasionally a rising agent. The batter is mixed and then fried using some oil or butter. Pancakes are round and thin. It’s not how you make your pancakes; it’s more about how you eat your pancakes.

Pancakes are eaten with a variety of toppings. From the famous maple syrup to strawberries, whipped cream, other fruits and loads of Nutella. Who doesn’t love a good pancake with some Nutella and strawberries on? Yum!!

Canadian Pancakes vs American Pancakes

Canadian Pancakes

Pancakes are as famous in Canada as they are in the USA. However, the Canadian recipe of pancakes is more straightforward as compared to the American recipe. In Canada, there’s little focus on the recipe and more on the toppings.

For an average serving, the Canadian pancake recipe includes a standard cup of flour, 2tbsp of ground sugar, half a tsp of salt, 1 tbsp of baking powder or baking soda, an egg and a cup of milk. Next, you need to add about 2 tbsp of cooking oil and whisk the batter together.

Once the batter has been appropriately whisked, heat a frying pan or skillet. Spray a little olive oil before pouring your batter. Measure each pancake to about 1/4th of a cup. You can always order pancake shapers if you’re not happy with the asymmetry. Flip each side after 2 minutes, remove from the stove once the pancakes are brown on both sides.

Canadian pancakes are always topped with maple syrup and raisins. This is because Canada is home to maple trees and the Canadians love maple syrup.

American Pancakes

If you follow the traditional recipe, American pancakes are more flavorful as compared to Canadian Pancakes. The authentic recipe includes 1 cup of flour, 2 tbsp of butter, 1 tsp of finely ground cinnamon powder, a pinch of salt, 1 tsp baking soda, 2 tbsp of soft brown sugar, an egg, half a cup of milk and some vanilla essence. Just like the canadine pancakes, the entire batter is whisked together until everything is mixed correctly. Then the batter is fried in small portions and served with delicious serving.

American pancakes are famously served with sliced bananas and honey. Some people enjoy their pancakes with peanut butter, chocolate, and ice cream. Fruit jams, pineapples, caramelized apples also make fantastic topping options. If you don’t feel like going to the kitchen, you can always order some pancakes. American pancakes are readily available.

Pancakes don’t have a shelf life longer than 3 days. Instead of leaving them out on the shelf, you can always freeze them if you want to eat them later.

Pancakes are usually eaten for breakfast. You can customize pancakes according to your taste. If you like fluffier pancakes, separate the egg york from the egg whites, mix the egg york with the wet ingredients, and then add the dry ingredients.

Fold in the egg whites in the end. This will give your pancakes a nice fluffy finish. Make sure to add a little extra milk and some baking powder. If you like them flat, avoid using any rising agent. You can also add vegetables like potatoes in the batter for a more filling meal.

With several topping options, pancakes are popular among kids of all age groups. A standard-sized pancake offers almost 277 calories. The high starch content in Pancakes doesn’t make them the healthiest breakfast option for every day. But it won’t make a difference if you have them once in a while; after all, it’s tough to resist freshly cooked pancakes!

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