Can Rice Cakes Get Moldy? (Answered)

Can Rice Cakes Get Moldy?
Can Rice Cakes Get Moldy?

Most of us who have tried to diet will be familiar with rice cakes. Made from puffed rice and salt, they are a pretty flavorless snack but they can be made delicious with various tasty toppings. 

When you want a simple, healthy snack low in calories and sodium, you expect to find your rice cakes crisp and ready to eat – not discolored, damp and moldy. But why should rice cakes become inedible? Where does mold on rice cakes come from?. 

Some people are inclined to think that because rice cakes have so few ingredients, they will never go bad or become moldy. Do rice cakes go bad and develop mold?

Unfortunately, the truth is that rice cakes, in all their simplicity, can go bad and become moldy. This mold is a kind of fungus that causes food spoilage.

Can Rice Cakes Get Moldy?

Rice Cakes Can Become Stale And Moldy

It doesn’t really matter whether you choose Korean or American-style rice cakes, or whether you make your own or buy them from the store;  they can become stale quickly if not stored correctly.

They’re a great diet food, and the low-fat, circular-shaped snack can be chosen over high-calorie foods. They’re so popular as a dietary snack food that in Southeast Asia, where they started, they have a National Rice Cake Day on November 29.

But how should these rice cakes be stored? If it is very hot in your area, you can keep your rice cakes in the regular fridge for a few days. It is always recommended to eat your rice cakes within a few days of refrigeration and also once the packaging is opened

If the package is unopened, always check the expiration date to see how long you can store your rice cakes, as well as how long they can be kept in the fridge.

Can Rice Cakes Get Moldy?

Unopened Rice Cakes Can Be Stored For A Year

Packaged commercial rice cakes usually have an expiry date, and if the sealed rice cakes remain in your cupboard in a cool, dark, and dry place, they can last for up to a year after they were produced. 

The cakes have a surprisingly long shelf-life when they are unopened, and this means their texture and flavor are kept intact. Should your rice cakes come into contact with water, you can put them in the oven on a low heat to dry them off and crisp them up again.

Rice Cakes Have Perks – Keep Them Enjoyable

Rice cakes have perks for all kinds of snackers and dieters. They are allergen-friendly, so those who are gluten intolerant can enjoy them, as can vegans.

But what would you do if you opted to start a diet with rice cakes and you discovered that your rice cakes had gone off and weren’t suitable for your consumption? 

What can possibly go wrong with rice cakes? They can become moldy. True, it’s not a regular occurrence with them, but it is possible. As with all foods, the correct storage becomes of utmost importance if you want to avoid mold.

If you store your rice cakes in an area where they will be exposed to oxygen and moisture, mold will grow. So for mold to grow on your rice cakes, the cakes will, in all likelihood, have been exposed to a lot of oxygen and moisture.

When Buying Rice Cakes, Check The Packaging For Puncturing

If you bought your rice cakes pre-made, only open them when you are ready to eat them.

When buying rice cakes, check them over thoroughly and make sure that the packaging is airtight and that it doesn’t have any holes in it that could have allowed air and moisture to enter.

Once home, if you have opened the packaging, the rice cakes start to deteriorate immediately.

Mold covers mochi rice cake

But you can keep them crisp and free from mold by placing them in an airtight container and storing them in your regular storage area, which should be dry, dark, and cool. Warm, humid environments can change the texture and quality of the rice cakes.

If Opened, Place In Airtight Container

If you have punctured the packaging, from then on, keep the rice cakes in an airtight container. If your rice cakes haven’t been stored well and the packaging hasn’t kept them airtight, moisture can enter, spoil the cakes, and cause them to become moldy. 

You’ll recognize the mold when you see black or green spots on the cream-colored rice cakes.

Avoid Putting Rice Cakes In The Deep Freeze

Some people believe that to avoid mold, you can place your rice cakes in the deep freezer, but you really shouldn’t freeze puffed rice cakes. Freezing rice cakes isn’t a good idea because the flavor and texture of the cakes are jeopardized.

Also, putting your rice cakes in the freezer adds moisture to them, even when you’ve placed them in airtight containers.

You Can Steer Clear Of Mold

Rice cakes come in a variety of flavors and textures, some of which are healthier than others. They are always a versatile snack, but all of them are vulnerable to mold. 

How To Store Rice Cake

What kind of storage do you have for your foodstuffs? Did you know that mold requires a certain kind of environment to flourish?

If you avoid warm, humid, and moist environments, you can avoid mold growth on opened foodstuffs. Don’t leave any foods in your cupboards or fridge half-opened or uncovered.

When you’re on a diet, you’re already depriving yourself of your favorite foods, so when you turn to low-calorie rice cakes, make sure they’re the best they can be—dry, crisp, and free of mold.

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