Can Refrigerator Water Filters Remove Sodium? (Answered)

Can Refrigerator Water Filters Remove Sodium
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Can Refrigerator Water Filters Remove Sodium

Refrigerators are essential for every household, and the appliance brands have started adding many advanced features to their refrigerators. For instance, they are designed with built-in water dispensers. Similarly, proper water filtration is added to the refrigerators to ensure the water is clean and free of contaminants. This is the prime reason people ask if these water filters can remove sodium or not. If you’ve been wondering the same, we are here with the important details.

Can Refrigerator Water Filters Remove Sodium?

The majority of refrigerator’s water filters are not enough for removing sodium. While consuming a minimal amount of sodium is fine, increased sodium consumption carries a health concern for people who are already struggling with some medical conditions. This is the primary reason that you cannot depend on the refrigerator’s water filtration because it doesn’t have the capacity of removing sodium like special water filters.

To filter salt from the drinking water, one can opt for reverse osmosis systems because these systems can filter the water by forcing it through the semi-permeable membranes. As a result, these systems will be able to remove inorganic and organic compounds from the water. As far as sodium is concerned, they won’t become a part of steam because salts tend to be heavier when compared to water. For this reason, you should filter water with reverse osmosis systems.

If you are concerned about drinking refrigerator-filtered water, you need to remember that it comes with various risks. To begin with, the refrigerator-filtered water will be exposed to different microorganisms like salmonella and coliform, which adversely influences the quality of water, hence a bad influence on your health. One might believe that the refrigerators are clean, but they don’t release water that’s safe enough for your consumption.

On top of everything, you must be wondering what a refrigerator water filter can actually do. That being said, the refrigerator filters will be able to remove chlorine from your water, but they won’t be able to remove chromium-6 and lead from the water. Unless you can install a high-end and stronger filter in your refrigerator, you won’t have any choice but to purchase a new and advanced water filtration system to make sure you have access to clean water.

The Capacity Of Refrigerator Filter

We have talked a lot about what the water filters cannot do, but we have to consider the capacity of a refrigerator filter. The refrigerator filter is known as a simple carbon filter that can treat the drinking water that’s dispensed from the refrigerator. In the majority of cases, these refrigerators have NSF 42 certification, which means water will be clear from chlorine and will improve the taste and smell of the drinking water.

At this point, it is important to add that a filter’s ability to remove chlorine is one of the best things, but the homeowners have to worry about many other contaminants to ensure safe drinking.

What Can Your Refrigerator Filter Not Do?

When it comes down to the refrigerator water filter, there are various components that it cannot remove, and two of them include chromium-6 and lead. To make sure proper removal and filtration of these contaminants, there is an evident need for more power as compared to what refrigerators are offering right now. For this reason, it is suggested that you invest in a high-strength and capable filter. One great example is the NSF 58 certified reverse osmosis system.

While it’s clear that a refrigerator air filter cannot filter the contaminants, it also doesn’t have the capacity of protecting the entire water level line. This is the primary reason that you need a proper water filtration system to make sure water from the showers and sinks are cleared from these contaminants.

On top of everything, the refrigerator water filters are too small, which means that they will quickly clog up, even if it is able to clear away sodium and other contaminants. On the other hand, a commercial-level water filtration system won’t clog, which makes it a more convenient choice and won’t be a hassle to maintain either. All these factors clearly show that you have to invest in a reliable water filtration system rather than settling for the refrigerator air filter.

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