Broiler Drawer vs Oven Broiler: What’s The Difference?

broiler drawer vs oven broiler
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broiler drawer vs oven broiler

Broiling involves the process of using direct heat for cooking food. It’s pretty much the same as grilling but with a slight modification. Unlike grilling, which requires a grilling pan, you can broil your meals using multiple options. For example, a broiler drawer exists at the bottom of most stoves, while you can also broil in an oven using a broiler oven.

Unlike, grilling which is done on an open flame, food is broiled at a controlled temperature. The temperature control feature makes broiling a better option as compared to other modes of cooking. In addition, the temperature control prevents your meals from getting overcooked and burned.

While a broiler drawer has been there for a while, a broiler oven is a relatively modern kitchen appliance. Continue reading if you can’t figure out which of these suits you best. After all, one must never compromise on the quality of food.

Broiler Drawer vs Oven Broiler

Broiler Drawer

Did you just find out what a broiler drawer is? It’s okay if it took you a while to figure out what’s at the bottom drawer in your cooking stove. A lot of people are not familiar with the use of the broiler drawer. Most cooking stoves come with a bottom drawer that is designed explicitly for broiling food.

If appropriately utilized, the broiler drawer can help you increase your cooking experience. More than often, the broiler drawer is also gas-operated. You don’t necessarily have to preheat the broiler drawer. Just switch it on 5 minutes before adding your food tray.

The broiler drawer is ideal for safely warming your food and giving your baked pasta that extra brown top. If you’re not comfortable using the microwave to heat your food, the Broiler drawer is an excellent alternative.

The broiler drawer tends to heat up very quickly, so you’ll have to keep a careful eye. It tends to overheat and burn food very quickly. Make sure you use broiler pans that are safe and can tolerate heat. Heavy-duty steel pans, cast iron skillets and other heat-tolerant pans are safe to go inside the broiler drawer.

Oven Broiler

The oven broiler is a column, usually the top shelf in an oven. The oven broiler also heats food using the exact mechanism of directly heating food. Since most oven broilers are accommodated on the topmost shelf, chances are your food might get broiled pretty quickly. If you don’t take out your food in time, you might end up burning your food.

Adjusting your broiler racks is essential because the closer you place your dish to the heat, the faster it will cook. Some meals require more time in the broiler oven and get cooked using the slow heat mechanism.

In that case, be mindful to place your food tray at a greater distance from the heating rods. However, if you’re cooking a recipe that requires early caramelizing or browning of the meat, place the food tray closer to the heating rods.

When using an oven broiler, make sure to use heat resistant pans. Just like the Broiler drawer, the oven broiler also tends to heat up a lot. Therefore, preheating is very important when it comes to broiling. The exact preheating time varies from model to model. Carefully read through the user manual and try not to overheat your oven broiler.

Keep opening the oven broiler and checking your meal while it broils inside the oven broiler. This is the only way you can prevent your food from getting overcooked.


A broiler drawer is a good option if you don’t want to invest more because most stoves have one. However, since the broiler drawer is situated at the bottom rack, it is challenging to check on the food. More than just checking, taking out heavy pans gets difficult. It might work well for young people, but if you’re old and with preexisting back problems, try not to strain your back any further.

A broiler oven is a good option since it is designed in a better way that is suitable for all age groups. Other than that, there’s very little difference between what a Broiler drawer has to offer as compared to an Oven broiler. Before making any decision, keep your budget and kitchen space in mind.

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