3 Common Breville Slow Cooker Problems (Troubleshooting)

breville slow cooker problems
breville slow cooker problems

Breville has many appliances available in their selection of products for users to try out. This includes kitchen appliances of all kinds. There is one appliance in particular out of all these that we’re here to discuss in more detail today.

Slow cookers are something which have made life much easier for cooks in the kitchen, as they offer ease of use and let people cook some of the most difficult to prepare dishes in the easiest ways possible. The same can be said for the slow cookers offered by Breville. These are definitely very helpful, but only when they aren’t being problematic.

Users don’t encounter many issues with these appliances from the brand very often, but there are still a few problems which are a little common. These common Breville slow cooker problems are some which can be serious at times, and make it impossible to properly use the cooker.

This means that learning more about how to solve them is very important. We’re here to help with that exactly, so continue reading below to find out everything there is to about these common problems and the best possible ways to solve them.

Breville Slow Cooker Problems

  1. Unevenly Cooked Food

This is a complaint that many Breville slow cooker users and users of slow cookers in general have with the appliance. It’s a very common issue which is actually caused by the shape of the food, rather than the cooker itself.

It is most commonly seen in vegetables that are prepared inside slow cookers, ass some of them are cooked too much while some aren’t cooked at all. There’s a good explanation for it which is all very easy to understand. It all has to do with the way that the cooker works.

Fixing this issue is very simple, as all that users need to do is cut up their vegetables evenly rather than cutting them up in varying sizes. Evenly chopped vegetables and other ingredients will cook more evenly. Slow cookers will take a greater toll on the smaller cut pieces whereas taking more time on the larger ones, which is why even sizes help a lot.

  1. Leaking Steam

Steam leaking out of the cooker is one of the most common issues that is encountered by slow cooker users, including the ones that are from Breville. This is an issue very serious than some people might think, and it can be a great threat to the safety of those around the appliance.

Steam leaking out effects the food inside, and it effects the cooker as a whole as well. The pressure inside of the slow cooker doesn’t build up properly, and using the appliance is useless while this is happening.

That’s why finding solutions is the most important thing to do for anyone that wishes to continue using the cooker. The first step is finding out where the steam is leaking from. If it’s from the sides, then that means the lid isn’t sealed properly.

This is something that can easily be fixed by thoroughly cleaning the lid and the closing areas of the cooker before trying to seal it once more. If it is leaking from the top, adjust the valve to fit it properly. Also inspect the valve for any damage, and make sure that there’s no harm done to it. If there is, you’ll have to get a replacement.

  1. Lid Won’t Seal

A common issue which is kind of related to the one which was previously discussed are lids that don’t close on a slow cooker, regardless of what users try to do. Whenever users try to get it to shut properly, it always ends up being a little open from one side and doesn’t seal in the way that it should.

The main thing to ensure that users are following the correct sealing procedure which should be on the user manual. If that isn’t the problem, there could be some blockages near the sealing ring. Clean it up thoroughly and ensure there isn’t any damage done to the sealing locks before trying again.