Most Common Big Green Egg Hinge Problems & Solutions

Big Green Egg Hinge Problems
Big Green Egg Hinge Problems

The Big Green Egg grill has become a go-to choice for many foodies, thanks to its excellent heat retention and durability. However, like every other kamado-style grill, it also has its fair share of issues. Many users have complained about hinge issues while using it.

From smoking to grilling, you rely on the Big Green Egg grill to perform many cooking-related tasks. So, it can be pretty frustrating when the hinge goes bad. If you are to purchase this grill, you should familiarize yourself with the common problems.

Luckily, there are simple tips and tricks to troubleshoot hinge problems in the Big Green Egg cooking station.

Most Common Big Green Egg Hinge Problems

Some common problems with the hinge of the Big Green Egg cooking station are mentioned in the section below.

  1. Loose or Tight Bolts

Kamado-style green color ceramic charcoal barbecue cooker

The hinge of the Big Green Egg cooking station uses bolts that hold everything in place. So, if the lid is misaligned, there is a high likelihood that the bolts are too tight or loose. If the lid doesn’t open fully, it is because the bolts are tight.

On the other hand, if the lid feels too loose, the bolts have gone loose. If that’s the case, get a wrench and loosen the bolts a bit. If you have open-ended and socket spanners at home, use them for this purpose. It is a simple process and will hardly take two minutes.

  1. Underbite and Overbite

Underbite and overbite are among the most common problems associated with the Big Green Egg cooking station. For those who do not know, it is about how the top and bottom parts of the cooking station line up against each other.

An underbite is a situation where the bottom part sticks out further than the bottom. On the contrary, overbite is when the top part sticks out. Ideally, the top and bottom parts should be perfectly even.

Close up image of a handle of The Green Egg outdoor barbecue

If the gap between them is visible, air from outside may find its way into your Big Green Egg cooking station, and the food won’t be cooked properly. Oftentimes, these problems happen when the nuts on the hinge are tight or loose.

Start by loosening the bolts around the bands of your Big Green Egg cooking station. You don’t have to take off the nuts for this purpose. If your unit has an underbite, push the top part a bit, and vice versa.

Moreover, adjust the hinge to make it straight. Once done, re-tighten the nuts, and it will likely fix the problem.

  1. Damaged Hinge

If you have tried the aforementioned solution and the unit still has underbite or overbite, you could be dealing with a faulty hinge. As you use your Big Green Egg cooking station, age-related wear and tear can damage its hinge, especially if the grill is kept outdoors without any cover.

If it has been corroded or damaged severely, replacing it will be your last resort. Get a replacement from your nearby superstore and replace it with the damaged one. The process is fairly straightforward, and you can do it at home without needing professional assistance.

Closeup of green ceramic BBQ grill mounted in the table

And yes, always make sure to turn off your Big Green Egg cooking station before engaging in any repair or replacement. Be mindful that the hinge is made of metal and retains its hot temperature for hours. So, wait until it cools down to ensure your safety.

  • Lubricating the Hinge

Like other hinges, the hinge of the Big Green Egg cooking station also needs proper lubrication for proper functioning, especially if you keep the unit outdoors. Keep in mind that the hinge is susceptible to corrosion.

So, use a lubricant, such as WD-40, to keep the hinge in good working condition. Not only does this prevent corrosion, but it may also repair the already corroded hinge. If the hinge makes a squeaking sound when you open or close the lid, it is time to lubricate it.

Simply apply the lubricant directly to the hinge and other components. Since the hinge requires regular lubrication, include it in your maintenance routine.

  • Cleaning the Bands

It is also recommended to clean the bands every now and then to keep them in good shape. Remember that bands play an important role in the smooth opening and closing of the lid. Dust and debris from surroundings can lodge around them, hindering their optimal functioning.

So, take a look at the bands, and if they are dirty, consider cleaning them. To clean the bands of your Big Green Egg cooking station, you will need to remove the springs first with a screwdriver. And yes, ask someone to hold the dome so it doesn’t fall off while you take off the springs.

Once you have removed the bands, wipe them off with a clean cloth. Now, make a solution of soap and water and slightly dampen the cloth with it. Wipe the bands with this cloth. In addition to that, take a look at the bolts as well. If found loose, consider adjusting them.

Once done, put everything back together. Make sure that the screws in the bottom align with the screws on the handle. Open and close the lid to determine whether it has fixed the problem or not.

The Bottom Line

Hand opening Big Green Egg bastard kamado BBQ with a piece of meat

The exceptional heat retention and innovative features make the Big Green Egg one of the most sought-after grills on the market.

However, there have been many complaints regarding its hinge. If the bolts are tight or loose, adjust them using spanners. If the hinge is damaged, get it replaced to easily open and close the lid.