7 Common Bella Slow Cooker Problems (Troubleshooting)

bella slow cooker problems
bella slow cooker problems

Everyone loves food but the hectic work schedules don’t give much time. For all those people, a slow cooker is a great option because it can slowly cook the food while you complete other chores without compromising on the flavor of the recipe.

For this reason, people prefer Bella slow cookers but there are some Bella show cooker problems that you must be aware of. So, let’s check out the common issues and the easiest solutions!

Bella Slow Cooker Problems

1) Uneven Cooking

What’s the point of using a Bella slow cooker when the food is going to turn out uneven? It generally happens when you are cooking hard vegetables, such as carrots (they need time to cook properly).

For this reason, if you want to get evenly cooked food, make sure that ingredients are properly cut and have consistent size (yes, haphazardly cut food is not going to work with Bella slow cooker). Secondly, in case you are using fast cooking and soft veggies, you must add them at the cooking cycle’s end, so you don’t have to eat mushy food.

2) Excessive Food Cooking

If you are using Bella slow cooker but the food portion is too much, you are basically using the wrong size of your slow cooker. Bella has various sizes available, so choose the one that suits your family size. In addition, always be mindful about the ingredient quantity to ensure that you don’t cook surplus food. However, if you have already cooked the food, you can freeze meat roasts, stews, and soups.

3) Liquid Food

When you are using Bella slow cooker, you should only add half the amount of liquid as compared to what the traditional recipe demands (or the amount of liquid that you would add with stovetop or oven). In some words, if the recipe is not slow cooker optimized, you have to reduce the liquid amount by 50%. Still, if the final outcome is too watery, you must remove the top lip and switch to the high temperature for one hour because it helps evaporate the moisture. Also, it will thicken the broth and sauces.

4) Meat Is Dry & Tough

Whenever you are using a slow cooker for cooking meat, you cannot use leaner cuts because they have higher chances of getting dry. Similarly, the best option is to choose fatty meat cuts, such as pot roast and shoulder roasts because they will cook better.

In case the meat has a fat cap or skin, keep it on because it helps retain the moisture of the meat. Secondly, the meat can become tough and flaky if you cook them too long, so optimize the cooking time.

5) Confusion In Low & High Temperature Settings

If you are new to using Bella slow cookers, it is pretty evident that you would be confused in choosing the low and high temperature settings. Keep in mind that the high temperature settings reach the boiling point much faster as compared to the low temperature settings.

Once the boiling point is reached and you lower the temperature, the food will remain at the simmering level. The experts suggest low settings because it helps tenderize the meat but it needs longer cooking periods.

6) No Timer Or Shut-Off

In particular, we are talking about the automatic timer and shut-off in the Bella slow cooker. The solution to this issue is pretty easy as you only have to buy the lamp timer and plug it into your slow cooker. Once you choose the right settings on slow cooker with the lamp timer, it will even switch off automatically.

7) Unable To Switch On

If you want to cook food in Bella slow cooker but it is not switching on, you have to examine the power cords. This is because the power cord must transmit the electric signals properly. The first solution is to inspect the power cord and see if there are damages. If you see some damages, install a new power cord and make sure it is properly installed.

While installing the replacement power cord, you have to ensure that the cable is firmly installed at the back of your slow cooker. In case you any other issues, get in touch with Bella customer support and they will provide assistance!