Are Zucchini Seeds Edible? (Explained)

Are Zucchini Seeds Edible
Are Zucchini Seeds Edible

Zucchini is one of the healthiest vegetables out there and it actually tastes amazing. Zucchini is known for its mild yet slightly sweet flavor. It has an extremely rich texture and the vegetable also has seeds. In most cases, people cook the fleshy part of the zucchini but they don’t consume the seeds. However, if you have always wondered if zucchini seeds are edible or not, we are sharing if it’s a possibility and much more!

Are Zucchini Seeds Edible?

Yes, the zucchini seeds are edible and can be consumed on a regular basis. In most cases, the zucchini seeds are roasted to be eaten on their own but their flavor can be enhanced by eating the seeds with onions, cheese, tomatoes, ground beef, herb, or other spices. It’s actually recommended that you roast the zucchini seeds and add them to the recipes that already have the zucchini in them, such as casseroles.

As far as roasting the zucchini seeds, it’s actually a great choice for people who like to consume roasted pumpkin seeds. That’s because the zucchini seeds have a similar texture and a peanut-like flavor. So, if you want to cook zucchini and want to roast the seeds, we are sharing the instructions that you have to follow, such as;

  • Make sure that the zucchini has a golden underside (it’s great for cooking). When the zucchini is at this stage, the seeds will be ready to be picked up and roasted
  • Once you’ve to the zucchini, you have to cut it in half lengthwise and take out the seeds. It will ensure the seeds won’t dissolve into the flesh
  • Now, pry open the zucchini or you might have to fine-tune it, depending on the zucchini’s temperament
  • The next step is to scoop out the flesh and rub the seeds with your hands
  • Once you have access to the seeds, you have to put the seeds in a bigger saucepan and pour water to cover the seeds with water
  • Turn on the flame and let it boil. Once the boiling starts, you’ve to let it boil for fifteen more minutes
  • After that, strain the seeds and lay them out on the baking sheet (make sure the sheet is lined with butter paper or parchment paper)
  • Now, bake the seeds at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes to 45 minutes (you could also bake them until they become golden brown). It’s recommended that you stir the seeds halfway through the baking process to make sure the seeds don’t burn
  • Once the seeds are done, you can take them and let them cool down. These roasted zucchini seeds can be stored in an airtight container for over three weeks. Make sure that you don’t put it in the refrigerator because it can make the seeds soggy

Seasoning The Roasted Zucchini Seeds

When it comes down to roasting the zucchini seeds, it’s needless to say that they taste amazing on their own. However, the seeds can be flavored with the help of seasonings and oil. For this reason, we are sharing information about using the oils and seasoning;

  • Oils – you have to ensure that the oil or fat goes well with seasoning. For this purpose, you can opt for bacon grease, olive oil, butter, and coconut oil. If you want to use oils, you have to take the seeds out of the boiling water, put them in the bowl, add some oils or fat, and add some spices to add flavor. After adding the oils and spices, you can resume the roasting process
  • Seasoning – the zucchini seeds are extremely versatile since the base flavor is pretty mild. For this reason, it can go well with other seasonings. To begin with, you can flavor it with plain salt or you can add a punch of flavor with lime and chili seasoning. On the other hand, if you want to make healthy snacks, you can add sugar and cinnamon (yes, it will absorb the flavors pretty well. All in all, to flavor one cup of seeds, you should use one to two teaspoons of seasoning

All in all, it’s fine to consume zucchini seeds but make sure you roast them to improve the flavor!